Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This and That

Got my replacement debit card yesterday.  The only part of the cash days I liked was I ended up with a $20 bill I snuck into my $20 bill envelope and had some extra change to drop in my change vase :-) Other than that I hated it.  I do not have the patience to write down every purchase and with cash there was no way to track what I spent that on. At least with using my debit card I can see it right on my bank account online or even better, categorized at mint.com.

Got a phone call at 7:10 this morning wondering where Ds was - he was supposed to be at his dentist appointment. Forgot to remind him last night, but he's had several reminders for the past week about it. And he went to spend the night at Gf's house and sleeping in, so not answering his cell phone. Oh well - guess if they charge us for it, he'll be paying it.  It's hard transitioning them from a kid you do everything for to an adult who needs to be responsible for his own life.

Supposedly Dh will be making dinner tonight, every Tuesday from now on.  I said "you mean Dd will be making dinner?!". We'll see - I'm sure it will just be soup, but works for me. As long as I don't have to decide what it is or make it, I don't care!

The weather has been hot and the extra air conditioner purchased recently has really helped make the house more comfortable.  Definitely worth the $300 spent.  Dd is turning into a tan little tennis girl, being outside playing tennis everyday.

It's only Tuesday and I'm ready for Friday already.  


  1. Well but it's great that you finished with some leftover money. It's awesome!

    1. I wouldn't say I had money leftover - I just took out $300 cash on Friday, to make sure I had enough to cover what I expected to spend and a little extra, in case. I don't even know what I all spent it on!

  2. It's 107F degrees here but I still put lentil soup into the crockpot this morning LOL I figured that I wouldn't feel like cooking later on and we're a little bored with salads all the time. Online banking has been a lifesaver for me. In the years prior to online banking, money was spent and we never had any idea what we spent it on.

  3. Bummer that the cash didn't work for you - but as long as you are able to keep track & keep from spending extra still using a card, it is a win for you!!! Good Luck!!!
