Friday, July 6, 2012

Cash only

Well, I guess I am trying the "cash lifestyle" for a few days. I don't like it already, LOL.  I canceled my card yesterday morning, while I was at work.  On the way home I made my usual Thursday stop for Dh's burger and fries from the little mom and pop burger joint. I started to hand her my debit card and went "oh crap - I just canceled it this morning! Can you take a check?" She was like - "oh don't worry about it - you come here so often - just pay it next time." I did remember I had $7 (the total was $8 and change) so I gave her that and told her I'd pay the rest next week. I felt so stupid!

I figured I'd just write a check for my grocery shopping this weekend, but then when I wrote my mom a check last night for my car payment it was my last check - my very last check! I dug through my desk drawer and found some checks that have my correct routing and bank account number, they just have a different bank name (from before they got bought out). They would probably still work, I'm sure. I know I used them for awhile before I got the checks with the correct bank name on them. I think I'll just go to the bank today and get out the cash I need for the weekend. 

Cash only would really not work to well for me. I am too used to my debit card. I use it for everything and rarely have cash on me.  Honestly, it would drive me nuts to have to pull into the gas station each time and actually have to go in there and give them cash and either not fill up quite all the way (cuz you can never guess exactly how much) or have to give them more and then make another trip back inside to get the change.  I have no patience for that :-)

I just want my debit card back!


  1. I can't do a complete cash only.It's too much for me... That's why I keep a very strict budget. It was nice of the worker in a burger place to offer you to pay next time...That's very unusual!

    1. It is unusual, but this is a small husband and wife owned little burger place they operate out of a trailer and I have been going there almost every week for a year or so...they know I'll be back :)

  2. Same way here. I really don't like dealing with cash. I had to cancel my debit card last week due to a fraudulent charge and tried to use it at the car rental place. I forgot that I couldn't use it and had a mild panic attack before I remembered LOL Fortunately, I had other means with me to pay for the rental.

    1. I had a mild attack for a second when I realized I didn't have an alternate means to pay (no cc here) but then I remembered I had the $7 cash, so I didn't feel like quite the loser I first did! Maybe I just need to keep my envelope of $20 bills hidden in my purse, that would not be good....:)

  3. You'll get used to cash and LOVE how much money you are saving! I have to agree, though, it's a real pain to use cash at a gas station. Are you old enough to remember when there were gas attendants and they would pump for you? I miss that. ;)!

    1. Yes, I am old enough :/ I don't think I'd ever get used to cash - it would just disappear and I'd not be diligent enough to track where it went.

      I went to get cash out of the bank today and the teller was able to give me a temporary ATM card until I get my replacement. So, at least I feel a little better that I have an option if I suddenly needed some cash on Sunday or something!

  4. Ah, if you gave yourself some time, you'd get use to living on cash. It's what we all use to live on before atms and debit cards, right?lol

    Glad you feel better now that you have your security blanket(aka atm card)back....hehehe

  5. Aww.. It does get easier though! ;) I've been cash-only for a while & wouldn't go back to any other method.. Good luck with whatever you decide!
