Monday, July 16, 2012

Some good news

Just got an email from my boss that she hasn't forgotten the mid year review mentioned last December....remember when I got a glowing review but no raise??  It was commented at that time they might revisit raises for those who didn't get them in June (there was 5 of us).  June came and went and though I could surely use a boost in pay, I had decided I'm just going to keep my mouth shut this time (well, at least until the end of this year - then it would have been 2 years since my last raise).  I HATE having to ask for a raise (though I have done it, before). I feel like it's the employers (especially for a company of our size) responsibility to recognize performance and give out raises.

I am so relieved now! I should know by the end of the month, I'm sure.  The company is doing pretty well, considering the economy and now has almost 1 million dollars in reserve funds.  I think they can afford to give me a $200-$300 a month salary increase.  I can surely use it, especially with the cost of dh's prescriptions going up in August.  It will also help offset the money I get from my side job - if I were to lose that job down the road, it wouldn't feel like such a big hit to the budget.  I think I'll sleep better tonight :)


  1. That would be really nice! I hope you get this raise!!

  2. Good luck on the raise .... more $$$ is always nice.

    1. Yes, it will be nice to have some "breathing room" in the budget :)

  3. Hey ... I just wanted to comment on your Son's girlfriend's plan for a masters. I don't know what the teaching market is like where you live, but in our area you can't even get an interview without an master's degree. So, her plans might not be crazy. With the over abundance of people with a BS or BA, master's degrees are becoming the new entry level degree in so many fields.

    1. Thanks anonymous - that is good info to know. I just think it's terrible that teachers with master's are paid so low compared to other degrees. Hopefully his girlfriend will also be able to get some part time work where she is going to college to help reduce her loans needed the next few years.
