Friday, July 30, 2021


Well, apparently the transmission on dh's pick up is now toast. We're probably lucky we even made it home from Texas! The drive the other evening back home from town, after washing it, it was really acting up. Now he's just trying to figure out how he can get the transmission out and who to take it/send it to.  Ugh, that's not going to be cheap, I'm sure. The only good part is since he hardly drives it, it's not like it's a rush to get it fixed. It could sit there all through winter and just do it next spring, if he wanted.

I am so tired of trying to shop for things online, LOL. Everything I seem to find that I like/want/fits in my  budget is out of stock, or just takes forever to search through everything to find something I like. I just want 2 dang throw pillows in like 16" size for that church pew. Something with maybe a pattern/color to it. I'm not spending $50 per pillow! Or I find some I like and they are large like 18" or 22". It's just getting tiring and annoying. Then trying to find a bench for the laundry room that is the right length. It can't be longer than 36". Then I found one I really liked and of course it's out of stock. I put my email to be notified when it's back in stock so if it's not too long of a wait I'll hold off, otherwise I'll go ahead and order my second choice I found. I have a $55 in Target gift cards to use, but not finding anything I like. Everything on Amazon seems to be the pillow cover separate, which is ok, I guess, but there are just too many too look through. I also have a $40 Kohl's credit on my Kohl's card from returning those shoes. I'll see what they have for pillows.

Linda asked to see pictures of the dog food bin/slide out in my new laundry room cabinet.

DH fortified the screws that hold the sliding contraption down, so it should hold the weight of the food, when it's full.

99 degrees today and tomorrow. Bleh. I am so thankful for a/c in the house. If we still lived in our house in town (with a window a/c unit) it would have been non-stop complaining by dh of how miserable he is. We would have had to install a/c (and if we had stayed in that house, we would for sure have).

I need to get my Walmart order put in this morning and figure out the pick up time and visit mom time. I think I'll just get in early to see her, like before 10am, so I can get out of there before her lunch time at noon and pick up my order around noon.

Yesterday I was getting texts from my mom's tv/internet provider about a technician service call. Then when I talked to her after lunch she said something was getting changed with their tv's and someone was supposed to come to her apartment. She said people were talking about it at breakfast and lunch, so it must be something with either their cable box or internet box. She also (again) mentioned she and her guy friend weren't seeing each other as often, "which is ok". LOL.

Late yesterday afternoon dh was walking from the shop to the house and heard a drone overhead. It was moving down our street, towards the entrance, then it turned around and went back the other way. With all the trees and a bit of a rise in the road/land we can't see if anyone is farther down towards the neighbors on the end lot. Dh went upstairs to look out a window and saw a truck and 2 guys outside. One flying the drone and another an older guy dressed nicely. We are assuming that the owner of the next 2 lots is probably getting ready to list for sale. He has owned them since the property was originally sold (like 2007). We have never ever seen him at the property. We had kind of thought/hoped that when he didn't list it last summer, at the peak of the land selling craziness, maybe he was just planning to hold on to them. It will be interesting to see what they list for, if that is what is going on (can't think of any other reason someone would be out here with a drone). Zillow has our house at $910k, and a range of  $737k and 1.1 million. But, the description only lists the house, not the shop.

Housing prices are just blowing me away. A 2 br/2 ba spec type house on 5 acres, near us, just listed yesterday for almost 1/2 a million. My boss just moved and bought a house and the market in her area in really nuts. I looked up her new address and it's an older 1960's  ranch style home (remodeled inside though), 2300 sf, on one acre and was 1.2 million. Our rich friend, who listed his super nice house on acreage, last year, never did sell it (I think it was like 4.2 million and he paid like half that 3 years earlier). Our HVAC guy still has his place listed for 2.1 million.  

I'm scrolling through Kohl's throw pillows online......seriously?!! $165 for a throw pillow????


  1. I get so tired of items not being in stock when shopping too. I have had trouble getting Hormel ham for a long time now from Amazon or Walmart, so I finally just went with another brand any we liked it, so I’m going to stop looking for the Hormel anymore. This new to me brand is cheaper anyway.

    Good luck finding some throw pillows.

    1. I had trouble finding our lunch meat ham for awhile and was having to try different brands. DH didn't seem to mind any of them.

  2. One item I purchase from Amazon every month that is automatically sent to me is now out. I worry about that.

    The shelf to pull out should make life easier. It looks very handy. I had a separate unit like that, only more narrow, in my house that was a "pantry." It was so handy. I have seen the contraption to pull out sold in Lowe's. I have needed one of those for a long time.

    Too bad about shopping online for pillows that are not there! Those are expensive.

    1. I'm down to a few dog items for my amazon subscribe and save and now 2 of those items are out of stock. I was just going to get the Beggin Strips at Walmart tomorrow and see they are out, too. We have a smaller, pull out drawer in our kitchen for our kitchen garbage can. I like it out of sight, but it's kind of small, LOL.

  3. House prices are ridiculous everywhere, even here in PA. Zillow has our place at almost $300K! lolz We bought it for $134K almost 21 years ago.
    Goodness knows what it will sell for when we are ready to move....

    1. dh was looking online at housing prices in PA and they are so much less than where we are. I really don't see how people, with the lower wages, can afford any of the homes for sale here.

  4. I recently noticed that my grocery store does not make all items available for online purchase. I may not see a particular item online but, if I walk in they have it. I guess it has something to do with their stock strategy. Before your pick up, may be, you can check WM to see if they do the same.

  5. You're going to love me for this idea for your pillows! Check amazon for "pillow covers" in the size you want. Then order them (we get free shipping/returns with Prime). Oder from WalMart the next time you do a grocery order the pillow forms (cheapest in the size you need for the covers). SO SO SO EASY & frugal! & you can order holiday covers to change them out! You're welcome! ;-)

    1. OK - didn't read far enough - you are looking at Amazon. But you can zero in on color, etc. of those. I got some really great plaid covers (burgundy & cream) that I just love. Then I have covers for Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. So easy to change them out (& also wash!).

    2. it is a great way to buy them...I'm just having overload because there are too many to choose from LOL. That's how I did my Christmas ones. I bought same size covers as my sofa pillows and put them on during holidays.

  6. Could your husband build the bench? It would keep him busy and be just the size you need.

    1. He probably could. He actually built one before we built the house that we used in our previous laundry room. He built it based on our house plans for the laundry room, but in the end the hvac needed space for their return vents and we had to put that in a corner of the laundry room and then the bench wouldn't fit! it's out in the garage now, housing boots etc. He really just doesn't want to build more things, he's commented a couple of times, so I'm trying not to ask, unless he suggests it. He did say he'd rather us just buy something that looks nice.

  7. I find the best pillows at Marshall’s, TJMax and Home Goods if they are near. Too bad you weren’t able to find them on your trip traveling.

    1. I kind of thought of looking, and did look at a couple stores we were at, but our back seat of the pickup (it's just an extended cab) was pretty full with our suitcases, cooler, and my pillow, LOL. Next time I'm in the city I'm going to stop in TJMaxx and Ross and see what they have.
