Monday, July 12, 2021

Friday fun

Friday we wanted to visit with my mom a couple hours and do some shopping. I also wanted to pick up a grocery order (though not near as large as I usually get, mostly dry goods stuff).  We left at 9 am and got to the city about 9:40 and stopped at TJ Maxx first. We had told my mom we'd be there at 11. I had a $50 gift card (from DD, for Mother's Day) to use. I ended up buying a big sautee pan and some extra teaspoons. I seem to be missing some spoons, LOL. DD bought a cute cake plate. The spoons came in a box of 8, so I gave dd 4 of them.

I had asked my mom if she wanted us to pick her up anything and she said milk, bread, and instant oatmeal....oh and pepcid ac. I said why are you taking that? you are already on Omeprazole, so you shouldn't be taking something else. Apparently her guy friend gave her some and she wanted more. We got her items at Target. By then it was getting close to 11, so we headed over to my mom's. DD was doing all the driving, so that was a nice break for me, and less tiring.

We visited with my mom, with plans to go over to have lunch at Arby's a little before noon. I wanted to get her one bottle of meds that needs the pills cut in half all cut up. Couldn't find them. The refills she got a few weeks ago (that I had finally found in her kitchen cupboard, when I took her to the dr. 10 days ago) were not in the kitchen cupboard, but on her table. But, no bottle of the one that needed cut in half. Looked everywhere, twice. Well crap! She didn't have enough left of her previous bottle to get through until I get back from our trip. Crap! (that was a bit stressful for me) I didn't know my Alliance rx log in to see if I had refilled it. I thought sure I did, I thought I refilled all 4 at same time. But, Alliance is part of Walgreens, so we decided to stop in there after lunch and see what the pharmacy could do to help. We get to Arbys and they have a sign on the door their lobby is temporarily closed (sounds like lack of help). So, we then went over to Walgreens and apparently I didn't refill it last month with the other 3, so they filled it there, while we waited about 15 minutes. Then back to Arby's drive through, which was a long line/wait, but so was every other place to eat. We took our food back to her apartment and had lunch there and visited a little longer and left at 1pm.

DH wanted some Huckleberry Vodka (one for her and one for a friend), so we stopped in liquor store and found that for her. Then we went to Kohl's, where I needed to return some shoes I bought online that didn't fit well. Next stop was a big antique store downtown. We both enjoy browsing through antique stores. My grocery pick up was scheduled between 3 and 4pm, so we had plenty of time to browse. It was 4 floors of antiques. Right off the bat I found a western cowboy sculpture I liked, so I grabbed that.

A couple sections over they had a church pew that was exactly what I've been looking for/wanting. DH and I had seen a couple at the antique store we usually go to, but that was when we were building and didn't have room (or extra money) then to buy one. They were priced about $425. Then last time we were there they had one church pew for over $700, so I passed on it. This one was $495. A little more than I wanted to spend, but I kept it in mind. They had a second, similar one in another section for same price, but I liked the first one better. As we browsed there were a few china hutches, which I have been looking for since we finished the house, but haven't wanted to spend $1200 for one (that's what the other antique store were mostly priced at). We've been watching Craigslist and Marketplace but haven't seen anything I wanted, but I figured at some point going to have to spent a lot for one. I really had hoped these past 2 years to find an older china hutch for like $500.

We browse some more and I see a hutch that I really like and in good condition. I look at the price tag. $235! I had to look at it twice to make sure that's all it really was. There was no way to fit either the church pew or the hutch in my car, obviously. DD said well, since I have my pickup (with canopy) with me we should come back and get them tomorrow morning, so that's what we decided to do.

As we're walking out of the antique store at 3pm I get a text from Walmart that my order has been delayed and they will let me know an update as soon as it's ready. Well, great. I had planned on 2 quick stops after getting grocery pick up that was on the way home, but we decided to go out of route and go to those 2 stops while we wait for Walmart to text. We picked up on online order at the feed store and stopped at the bank ATM so I could get cash out for the trip. Still no text from Walmart and it's almost 3:30. We were also planning on going inside Walmart to get subway sandwiches to take home for dinner, so I wouldn't have to cook. ok, let's fill up with gas across from Walmart. Drive over to Walmart and still no text. Go inside to get Subway and there is no more Subway inside Walmart. In fact they were emptying it out as we stood there and went "well dang". LOL.

We drive back over to the pick up section and still no text. It's now 3:40. How long are we supposed to wait?? A young girl was loading up a car next to us. We were the only other car. It's not like they were busy and running behind! I got out and asked the girl how long it might be? She put my name in her phone thingy and said ok, let me see if that helps. About 5 minutes later she comes out with my order. So, obviously it was sitting there, ready! As she's going out the door she somehow knocked over the water and soda bins. For some idiotic reason they put them on the top and made her load top heavy. Stupid. We sit there and watch her and another worker spend 5 minutes trying to decide what to do. Finally she comes over and says are you're substitutions ok? I said I have no idea. I haven't gotten any texts or emails on it. I said did the water and soda make it ok through the fall. She said the water did, but one of the soda's did not and another associate was bringing a new one out (case of Mtn Dew), which he then did. She gets out one of the fallen cases of soda and it's all wet on the bottom. She says it's ok, it's just wet from that other case. DD and I looked at each other and said, no, we'd like a new one. I'm not putting a sticky wet soda case in the back of my car. She seemed annoyed. By the dd and I were annoyed. (I finally got a text at 2:30am the next morning my order was ready??)

Finally, got the replacement case of soda and on our way. We then had to go to another Subway. DD and I decided we probably weren't going to be hungry for much dinner so I just got dh a sandwich. OMG! The girl did NOT know how to make a sandwich! I said one squirt of mustard. She put on more mustard than mayo. I'm like noo! That's way too much, so she took off the tomatoes under it and re did it. Then I said for the rest just salt and pepper and oil and vinegar. She didn't know where the salt and pepper shaker was. Then she just pours on the salt and pepper. I'm like stop! OMG. By then I was so annoyed and so tired and just wanted to be done with all of it. I should have made her re do the whole sandwich. I just took the sandwich and told dh I hope he likes salt and pepper. He said it was the worst sandwich ever.

We spent the evening playing cribbage and watching a couple movies.


  1. What a day! That guy should be told by the place she lives not to give her medicine! There is no telling what she takes. I have always wanted a church pew, too. I cannot imagine offering you a sticky case of drinks. Even if it did not get on your car, can you imagine getting a sticky drink to use and having to wash it off? It sounds like you and your daughter are having a good time.

    1. We had a good visit. It was nice to have a few full days with her.

  2. I love the cowboy on the horse. You had good luck at the antique store. 4 floors, I'd still be there :)
    Sounds like you & your DD had a good visit.

    1. We could have spent hours there and still not seen it all. We went through it all, but there is just so much to look at in every section, there is no way to actually see all what is there.

  3. I love a good antique store browse but nothing is coming home with me again!

    1. I guess I'm making up for 30+ years of getting nothing, haha.

  4. What a day!
    Your daughter sounds nice - a good friend as well as a daughter.

  5. Just wondering with you going into other stores why do don’t just run in and get the groceries yourself especially at each time there seems to be hassles or substitutes.
