Monday, July 5, 2021

Peace again

It was a very quiet day time yesterday, though still almost 100 degrees outside. I joked with dh that if we wanted to live in 100 degrees every day we should have moved to Arizona, where it's a lot cheaper. We heard no fireworks going off during the day at all. We are also seeing very little river "traffic" this summer, so far. I'm guessing now that people can be out and about doing other activities going on again, they aren't all on the river, so it's quieter in that respect. You'd be amazed at how loud these floater are. Most of them are not quiet at all as they float by. The adult half are probably drunk and the other half are screaming kids, LOL. And you'd think oh well, they'll be past us in about a minute, but no no, half of them decide, for some reason, to stop on the bank across from us and hang out. So, we are thankful it's not like last summer.

After dark there were some going off, but nothing super close and nothing that seemed loud inside. I had no problem getting to sleep and dh said it all stopped around 11:30. He was texting with our old "good neighbor" who lives in the war zone of fireworks. It had been going on for days, but of course the 4th is the worst. He said he had his tv on loud and could not hear it. He is on call for his job and the county radio he has also let him listen to 911 dispatches, which he had to put right to his ear to hear. He said it was call after call of fires and people hurt.

I think dh is getting stressed about this "vacation" to haul this car down to friend. But, that's normal for him. He has to worry and stress about everything, so something like this just adds to it, even though he prepares very well and thorough.

Ok, this is kind of funny. Since the dr was changing one of my mom's prescriptions to a different med, I decided to just have it mailed here (along with the other refills she doesn't need for 2 months, that are coming) so as not to confuse her what pills are what. I'm seeing her next weekend, when dd comes, so I'll take the pills then. I never even thought she'd remember, but the other day she asked about the new prescription. I just said the dr. got the order in and it's being mailed, but I didn't say it was being mailed to my house. Well, she keeps asking about it, LOL. But, that's good she's remembering about it.

Another day off today. I'm going to mop today. Or at least that's my plan. I woke up this morning with my back hurting a bit, so we'll see, I guess.

I don't know if it's something new or I just noticed it but the Overdrive app, where I borrow ebooks and audio books from my library now has movies to borrow. That sounds great and I'm sure I will use that feature, too. Which reminds me, I should download some audio books for dh and I to listen to on the trip. He likes more like true story, biographical, non fiction types. Any suggestions?


  1. I think that is great your mother is remembering. I have read that dementia can be reversed. Maybe it is not reversal, just not forgetting so much and remembering more. Maybe taking her off some meds is really helping. I would stress like your husband. I am surprised the fireworks were not so obnoxious here.

    1. it's interesting how she can remember something but not another. The only medication I took her off (a year ago now) was those Advil PM's, which are just ibuprofen with benadryl. The recent dr visit the dr is just switching her blood pressure medicine for a different one. The new med hasn't arrived yet, but I doubt it will do much effect on her memory one way or the other.

  2. It was interesting here last night. From about 9:30 p.m. it was non-stop, like a constant rumble, with flashes. I have never heard such consistent, non-stop fireworks in our years here. BUT, at about midnight, it stopped. Usually, we get less constant explosions, but it goes on well into the wee hours of the mornings. Fireworks are legal tonight as well, so we will see what happens tonight.

    1. my dd said it was surprisingly quiet where she lives.

  3. you both might enjoy "The Greatest Generation" which is read by Tom Brokaw

    1. thanks for the suggestion. I'll add that one to the list to try to borrow.
