Sunday, July 11, 2021

Back to it

Since I haven't posted in several days (busy with dd's visit), there's much to say! Might break this down into recap post by day, haha.

First off - forest fires all around us. UGH! They started on Wednesday from lightning, though the biggest fire, closest to us, has been said cause unknown. We were lucky the first couple days in that the wind was blowing away from us, but now it's changed, so the air is smokey. This fire closest to us (less than 5 miles) was about 50 acres, now it's 160 acres. Kind of hard to get it out with only 2 drops from a bucket yesterday. They did bring in the bigger Chinook helicopter yesterday and he dipped into the river right down by our neighbors at the end of our street, but he only did it twice. We thought he'd be back so went down to their property to watch, but he didn't come back. We visited with the neighbors and their little shy 4 year old isn't shy anymore. He took right to dd and just chatted her up a storm. I've never heard him talk that much. It was really cute. And then at one point when we were standing there talking to his dad he walks up next to dh and holds his hand.

Now of course, dh is worried about leaving our house unattended for 9 days. As if he didn't already have enough causing him stress.

DD arrived Wednesday night at 9pm. She made good time at 6 1/2 hours. Usually when she drives with her dh it takes them 8 hours LOL. We visited until about 10:45 and went to bed. She had to work Thursday, so I also worked and we just shared my office and got to be office buddies for the day. I just set up a folding table in the office and she brought her work laptop and an extra monitor. We finished up at 3:30 and were able to just relax the rest of the day evening. We did take a drive after it got dark as they said the fire could be seen from down the road a few miles. The helicopters with the buckets seem to be having a hard time finding spots to dip in the river as there are floaters and fishermen on it. Get the hell off the river and let them do their work. God, it's annoying. That Chinook was right over the river in front of our house yesterday after dinner and looked like he was planning to drop right there but then there were stupid floaters and he had to go back up and circle around to find a better spot. 

Friday we went to see my mom. That was a long exhausting day. Even dd was tired, LOL. 

Next up: Friday



  1. It seems like someone would have the authority to tell the people on the river to get out. After all, this is a fire emergency. I would be so angry if my house burned because someone was playing on the water source.

    1. you would think so. They should have the authority to say stay off the river between such and such points.

  2. Fire season is getting longer & worse here in California, so I can definitely relate. We absolutely love where we live in many ways, but I worry about what will happen with the fires & the weather in the future.

    1. it seems to be a cycle with the fires here. Like 4 years ago they were on one side of the range. Now that that area is thinned down, it's ok and now it's this side we're on, this time. Really, it's just too much undergrowth because they won't let logging be done. Just ripe for fires.

  3. So sorry for the fire. Those floaters should know better and act more responsibly. Glad you enjoyed your time with yor DD. Stay safe!

    1. they do what they want, no concern for anything but themselves. Just about how everyone seems to act these days, unfortunately.
