Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Back to normal life

It took me most of the day to get through all my emails yesterday (and keep up with new ones). I finally got through the majority of them by 3pm and then I was ready for a nap, LOL. My boss ended up being out 4 of the 8 days I was also gone, so there were a lot of requests that needed to be addressed. Today is payroll day already, seems like I just did it. At least my boss was thinking ahead and emailed me some adjustments that need to be made, since she's off this week. And so many vacations taken this payroll, along with 2 new hires and other odd quirks.

DH made a neat video out of all the pics and videos from the surprise. Friend really enjoyed it. Thank god several people were recording the event as dh had me use his phone to record and his phone ran out of memory right as we pulled up in the car, in front of friend. He needs a phone with more memory, since he takes so many pictures and videos. He only has 32 gb, and his phone is a few years old now, so I think I'll order him a new iphone. Not an 11 or 12, those are too expensive, and he only has a 7 right now. Seems like before you could buy new phones of older models with Verizon (that's how I got my 6 less than 3 years ago) but now they are all "used/certified pre-owned". The only new ones are 11, 12 and an XR (which is the least expensive one). When we got dh's last phone we bought it at the Verizon store and they transferred everything from his old phone. When I got my last phone I had it mailed to me and did a transfer per the instructions and it worked great. Everything on my old phone transferred. I just want to order dh's new phone that way, but I'm afraid it won't work, LOL. Everything with his stuff always seems to not work.

While dd had our dog, she gave him a good brushing and a bath. He feels so soft and clean now. But dang, that dog still sheds like crazy.

While we were in Texas our friends told us about a friend of theirs, who was supposed to be at the party. He's 69 and got the covid vaccine, sounds like maybe in June. He got covid a few days before their party and was really sick with it. How frustrating that must feel! 

We had our propane tank filled up yesterday. Just another thing that has gone up in price/inflation. It's hard to keep up with inflation and not get a raise in the past 2 years and not get our usual bonus. It was so fun paying $3.50 a gallon for diesel on our trip.

ok, so got some town gossip from the propane guy, LOL. He's new, first time delivering to us. Get this - he bought the house next door to where we had lived in town - remember it was a rental and we had that awful renter neighbor? First him and his wife and 2 little kids, then his girlfriend and her 2 little kids. Well, after we sold, the lady that owned it finally decided to sell it and this guy and his wife bought it. Said it was pretty much trashed inside. The renter guy and his girlfriend had gotten a dog after we moved and it was left inside all day. He said the carpeting was torn to shreds and the dog had used one of the cupboards missing a door as his pooping place. Just disgusting. Renter had been renting a shop in another part of town (after landlord finally got him to stop with using the garage as his business to repair cars). Well, I guess after the guy who bought our house moved in, that renter talked him into using his shop out back! Apparently in small worldville turns out this guy that bought our house knew renters parents...then he told dh that the guy that used to be the UPS driver in town started having an affair with renter's girlfriend, LOL. She had (another?) baby with renter guy, but now she's with this UPS guy. Like dh said, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried, LOL. He also said the street/neighborhood is nice (now). And apparently the guy that bought the lot and built a house on the other side of the rental house also bought all 4 vacant lots on the other side of the street and plans to build houses to sell.


  1. And, i know you are glad you are away from the drama. Before you moved, I always read your blog with horror! Your husband is correct. You cannot make up this stuff. What kind of dog do you have?

    1. Our dog is some kind of mix. Was supposed to be a black lab, but looks just like a flat coat retriever. The sad part is, if that renter hadn't lived there and there had been a decent neighbor living in that house next door we probably would have just stayed there and been content. Oh well.

  2. The guy who had the vaccine & then still got COVID didn't end up in the hospital (probably) because he DID have the vaccine. We know a married couple, both had the vaccine shots, & they both got COVID last week. Their doc told them had they not had the vaccine, they'd both be in the hospital right now. This virus is going to start killing off a lot of the unvaccinated now that the strains are getting worse. Crazy, huh?

    You're a sport riding that far in a truck. My husband would NEVER get me to ride that far in his truck! He drives, I fly & we meet up! ha ha! Glad it all went well for the surprise for his buddy. How much did the wife spend on the car your hubby bought? Was your hubby able to stay on-budget with the amount she gave him to find a vehicle?

    Bet you're glad you got out of the last neighborhood! What a soap-opera!! LOL

    1. I'm not sure if their friend ended up in the hospital or not, I haven't heard an update, but it sounded like he was getting close to the possibility with his temp and o2 level going down. We actually talked about me flying down there, LOL. I really should have done that route. DH was about $1,000-$2000 over budget, but she probably ended up saving because she didn't have to pay to ship it and it came with an extra hood, that if friend wanted to, he could sell easily enough for that amount over budget.
