Saturday, July 24, 2021

Glad to be home again

We finally got back home yesterday around 1pm. Whew! 10 days gone is too long, especially with 6 of it riding in a truck. We left last Wednesday at 7am. Couldn't get our of our gate! It would only open partway. DH had to fiddle with that for a half hour and finally just gave up and turned the controller off and then took off the arms attached to the gate, so we could get out. Then he re-attached and we left. Not a good way to start out.

We had a good 10 hour day of driving ahead of us to get to where the car was in Wyoming. At first the a/c was working great, but as the next few hours went along it just wasn't keeping us very cool. As we got near Great Falls, MT, dh called up his buddy who owns a truck/trailer repair shop and asked him if he could see if our a/c needed charging. He's a great guy and said of course, stop right in. He did have to charge it a bit. It only took him like 15 minutes. We spent more time than that just chatting with him. An hour later we left. The a/c worked much better after that.

We got to the place where we were picking up the muscle car at 6:30pm. This guy has like a used car/classic car type business in a very small town. 2 1/2 hour of bs'ing, getting the car loaded, more bs'ing. We finally got to the little motel down the street at 9pm. Nothing fancy at all, but it worked. We had had no dinner, but thankfully I had packed stuff in our cooler to make some sandwiches. We crashed and headed back out at like 7am. The next 2 days we had shorter 7-8 hour drives planned to where we had booked rooms, so that was much better. Both Thurs and Fri we got to our motels around 3 or 4 pm, so we had some time to relax and get a decent nights sleep. The second night was a nice motel in a small Colorado town. Except right after we got there dh got a weather alert on his phone. Possible tornado - wind, rain and 2" hail possible. He was freaking out about the hail. #1 for this muscle car on his open trailer and #2 for his nice pickup truck. Thankfully it didn't hit where we were and we only had a little wind and rain for a short period. The 3rd night motel was pretty much a dump, and disappointing after having a nice room the night before.

Friday we drove down into Texas and stopped and stayed about 90 minutes from friends place. The town was called Bowie. We thought it was pronounced "Bow (like bow and arrow) ie". Nope. It's pronounced Boo-ie, LOL. We didn't need to be at friends town until Saturday morning later and dh wanted to stay in a small town, not a suburb of Ft. Worth, where friends live, and not any chance friend might see our truck and this car on our trailer LOL.

Saturday at noon was the surprise birthday party. It turned out great and boy was he surprised!


  1. Glad to see you back safe and sound. You had enough problems getting started. Packing food is the only way to travel so far. I cannot wait to hear the rest.

    1. We were glad to have the food. Stuff to make sandwiches, grapes and other snacks were handy.

  2. I'm glad you made it there and back okay - but that was an awful lot of effort you went to! And I had to smile that the first hurdle was getting out your front gate, although I bet it wasn't funny at the time!

    1. DH was like "it's a sign we should just have not made this trip" LOL. Just glad to be home again. It was a lot of effort, especially on dh's part.
