Sunday, August 11, 2019

Saturday activites

Yesterday the weather finally cooled down and it was below 80 for the day.  DH was doing landscaping work and I helped him most of the day. He's still shoveling rock into the wheelbarrow. This time working on the side/end of our house. He had already put some large rocks around this little firepit he had made off the edge of our patio, but decided to put the smaller rock around it. I loaded up the wheelbarrow (several times) with the larger rocks and he hauled them off to another spot and then he filled in with the smaller stuff.

We also had some polypipe and drip line pipe that we had gotten free from a friend a year or more ago. He was moving (from like 160 acre ranch) and just needed to get rid of stuff and had said take whatever you can use. DH had hoped he could use this stuff down the road for our underground sprinkler system. We ran one length of the pipe along the end of the house and then covered with rocks. Then we ran another smaller drip line along the "bed" in the rockery wall and covered with rocks.

I also had him move our little stone bench, that was on the back patio, over next to the little firepit

By later afternoon the storm came in. Thunder, lightning and heavy rain.

Evening, I made a pizza for dinner and DH watched a pay per view race on the tv.


  1. Your DH is a hard worker to be sure. I love fire pits. The pizza looks yummy. I can never get the dough right. Do you have a recipe for the dough?

    1. he's a very hard worker :). This pizza dough is so easy! it's just Rhodes frozen dinner rolls. Thaw out 12 for a couple of hours and then squish them all together and make a flat dough.

    2. Today, I am going to make pizza so, I remembered asking you about the dough and came back to this post. They do not sell Rhodes or any other kind of dinner rolls here. Gotta make it from scratch. Hope, my pizza turns out good this time:)

  2. I love the firepit. are you not afraid the pipe will freeze in the winter? The pizza does look delicious.

    1. DH will drain out all those pipes before winter. Our neighbor actually pays someone to come do it. DH is like no, don't do that, I can help you!

  3. I agree that pizza looks fabulous, I'll have to have a go at making my own. And I bet you both sleep well at nights don't you!

    1. this is really easy (and tastes so good) pizza recipe. Thaw out 12 Rhodes frozen dinner rolls. Shape into the dough. Add toppings. I use Classico Traditional Pizza sauce, mild italian sausage, black olives, mushrooms and mozzarella. Bake at 425 for 15 min.

  4. That's a lot of work, moving rocks! You and your DH accomplished a lot! That firepit looks great! The pizza looks good, too. :)

    1. it was a lot of work, but worth how it turned out. The pizza is really yummy. As good as restaurant/delivery, and way better than frozen.

  5. That is a lot of labor. Moving stuff is just not fun!
    The pizza looks great!

  6. Wow, that pizza looks amazing! Good to accomplish some things when you have had so many frustrations! Have a great weekend.
