Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Advice resolution

So, as I was typing that last post up, most of it got pretty much resolved, at least for now. I hadn't replied anything yet back to my step brother. I always wait until about 10am to call my mom. Give her time to get up and going before I call. She sounded so much better. Back to herself (though of course that includes some short term memory stuff). She said her doctor appointment went well, that her boyfriend was on his way back to his place, and he would email me later (I'm sure he'll have more detailed info). She said the dr. said she is doing well, gave her a test of questions and she could answer all but 2. She said she's decided she will sell her place and is going to move into the assisted living apartment place her bf lives in. What did I think of that (she's been thinking about it, so I knew she has been considering that option). I said I think that would be a great idea!. She will be close to him (which is what I suggested when she first mentioned moving). Plus where he lives is a safer area than where she is now, if she stayed in her general area.

She and I discussed step brother a bit. I didn't tell her about email or anything. I just reminded her that I do have all her info and can help her with a lot of stuff (like I did yesterday with the credit card) even though I don't live close by. She brought up step brother and that she knows he was just trying to help her and she appreciates it but she felt like he got things more confusing for her. She said she felt like she didn't want to tell him she didn't need his help.

She sounded happy with her decision and happy that I thought it was a good idea.

Then I get another email from step brother.  He said I have good news about your mom. She's decided to sell her place and move to assisted living where her BF is...that "they" (meaning him and my other step sibs I guess) are all relieved and hope I am, too. (Apparently he called and talked to her BF.) Said the doctor said she does have some severe short term memory but overall is very cognizant, though he recommended maybe she didn't live alone, and have some assistance. She's doing much better today. Boy, what a difference a day makes!.....

Like he needs to update me about my mom, as if I wouldn't know otherwise? I'm just finding it very condescending that he acts like I moved away and ignore my mom. Like I said, I talk to her regularly, and then even more often when something comes up that needs my help/attention. Usually she spends weekends with her boyfriend. They alternate weekends at each others places, So, I don't usually call her on weekends, since she's busy with him, she has company and someone to talk to. But, I do call her often during the weekdays. DD usually calls her Friday on her way home from work. My uncle calls her at least once a week, he's very good about that.

In the meantime I have texted/emailed about this with my DD and my half sister (not from my mom) as to what they think. They were both like who in the hell is he, who has hardly been around, to tell you what you should be doing?! They both thought he sounded very condescending. They were getting me riled up about it! haha. I said both his emails make me feel like he thinks I just moved away and have been ignoring my mom! DD's still mad. She's like he comes in, makes all these changes on her, suddenly she's all confused and mixed up and now she's moving to assisted living. I did tell her that the move is a good thing. It would have to happen sooner or later.

So, I just replied back a very short email. I said yes, I've talked to her and she told me. I think it's a great idea. I have been monitoring her health and memory for the past year or so and am aware of what is going on. She tends to get confused and really loses her memory when she gets too much thrown on her at one time, so I have been working/watching to try to help cut down those instances. This past few days was the worst she's ever had with it all.  Thank you for your help with her.

She called me again just now. She had a question about a weird (spam) email she got. So, I was glad she remembered to call me to ask first. We talked about her moving down where her BF lives and again she asked if I thought that was a good idea. I just said "well, short of you moving somewhere like that close to me....being down with your BF facility is the next place I'd like you to be. She was pretty tickled that I said that. I just never thought she would want to live here at all....but it gave her something to think about!


  1. It obviously makes her feel good to know she's making her own decision, & that you think it's a good one. I'm sure you'll feel so much better with her in assisted living - safe & secure. Sounds like your step-brother was just trying to help - I doubt he really meant to offend you. He obviously wasn't aware of how involved with your mom you really are. Sometimes guys are dense like that. (I have 6 brothers, I know this! ha ha) But sounds like he had the best interests of your mom at heart. You can't have too many people looking out for them, ya know! ;-)

    1. I'm sure he does just want to help. My boss said she had to deal with a step brother in similar situation. Come in and thinks he "fixing" everything and just made things worse and then back to his life. (she said it's a guy thing, LOL) Yes, I think you are right, she still gets to know she's making her own decisions and that is a very good thing. She'll have some help, when she needs it, but still get to live pretty independently. Those places aren't as expensive as I thought they'd be.

  2. This must come as such a relief. I hope my previous comment didn't come across as rude. In my defense, I was dealing with a two year old who hadn't had a nap! Anyhow, another suggestion I had for you regarding the password situation is for you to look into 1Password. Having only one to remember might make things easier for your mom. My SIL who is a "tech junkie" swears by it for security and ease of use. You could hold the "key" so no changes can be made unless you are the one making it.

    1. oh gosh, no. You didn't come across that way at all. I'm just a bit frazzled the past couple of days ;) so my replies are probably reflect that a bit. I will check into that 1password. Sounds perfect.

  3. It's a good thing that you informed your step brother that you are keeping in close contact with your mother. It's quite possible that he hadn't known about it and made a few wrong assumptions.

    1. that's what DD and I were talking about last night. I said, it's almost like he thinks I moved away and have just been ignoring my mom! which, I guess he could make a wrong assumption, since he doesn't have much contact with her.

  4. That's great news that she's going to move into assisted living AND nearer to her BF. It will be such a relief for you and, I'm presuming, for her!

  5. Great news! What are the next steps to get her out of her current hpme and settle in the new place? Does she need to wait for the sale of the house? I wish you could settle this before winter. Otherwise, it might be more difficult for you. Will your DD be still close to her when she is in the new place? OMG! I am born curious. Sorry about asking all that.

    1. She lives in a little gated community of nice mobile homes and apparently met the realtor that does alot of the sales for people in there. Her bf's sister had looked at one for sale, so she was with her. She has already called him and he is coming to see her next Tuesday. If she hadn't known about him, I was going to have the lady that sold our house and DH's parents house do it. It will sell fast, but she doesn't need to wait to move. She has plenty of money to last her years and years. I'm hoping too, I'm not trying to go over there in winter, to help. She will be about a half hour or so farther from DD than she currently is, unfortunately.

  6. I'm happy for you all that she was able to be the driver of the decision. Some people like you SB it seems, like to think they are doing more than they actually are. My husbands siblings are like that-they don't see the time he spends evenings and on his Thursday off, but make big deals about their interventions.

    1. I'm glad it's her decision too. It just kind of rubbed me wrong the past couple days with SB. First I find out he initiated all these changes, that most definitely helped contribute to the confusion episode and then tells me I need to come over for a month and fix it all.

  7. Your mom is very fortunate to have so many that care about her. 😊

    1. she is very....but we just need to get some decisions and ground rules made as to who helps with what, so we aren't undoing what someone else already did

  8. Sounds like a lot of issues are getting resolved! I would definitely look into a way to make sure that you, and only you, are able to change passwords. Maybe also consider giving all your mom's info to your daughter in case something happens to you.

    1. my dd and I were literally just talking about that. I'm going to type it all up for her to have. I said I think I should be the main person (I'm her only child) who handles her stuff and DD should be my first back up if there's something I can't handle remotely.
