Thursday, August 22, 2019

About this and that

DH had finally gotten the quote yesterday morning from the landscaping guy on the lawn curbing and sprinkler system. He thought the sprinkler system seemed a bit high, especially since all the main lines are already put in (by DH). So, he decided to try and call another company and left a message for the guy. All's DH knew was the company name and a guy named Dave would call back. He called back. The guy says are you the same guy I knew growing up? Turns out it was and they had been friends in jr. high and high school years.

He came out yesterday around 3pm to look at what we needed. Well, DH can talk a person's ear off, so the guy ended up being here like 3 hours. Poor guy, LOL. But he seemed super nice. They both had a lot of memories hanging out together. It was good for DH to have a nice afternoon like that. Though dh is guessing this guy is going to be even higher than the first guy.....(ugh)

Later in the evening he ran over to help with a "work party" going on with some local guys. I don't think he actually did too much, but got to meet a few new people he hasn't met yet. He had received a text yesterday morning about the work party going on all day and if he was bored, come on over. DH had replied back he was bored, but he had to be bored getting all the stuff done around here first, LOL. He texted the guy back last evening again, saying he could come over and help, if they were still working on it.

I looked at my mom's landline call history again this morning. That number I blocked shows they tried to call again 6 times yesterday afternoon! It's looking like the blocking worked. They are showing as missed calls and the number is still showing as blocked status. But, if it's not that number or scammer, it will be another one trying :(.

Dh said he sat in one of the new zero gravity lounge chairs, on the back patio, the day before and ended up taking a nap. Said it was the most comfortable chair. I asked him if it was too short for him and he said nope, just right (he's 6'). I like how they can be either kind of like a chair or recline back to a lounger.

Our "google home wi-fi" system has been working well (knock on wood!). The phone app shows a lot of info, but is easy to use/understand and useful. It does a download test every couple of days. Our internet speed is supposed to be around 15mbps, which of course you don't usually get that, LOL. We seem to consistently get 13, so that's good. It also shows all the devices hooked up and what amount they are using at the time, which is kind of interesting. Typically, if we are streaming something using the Firestick or another device, it's using up about 3 mpbs of the download speed available. Just being on our phones, tablets or computers, doesn't use much. I've checked it when I'm streaming something through the tv and DH is watching video on his computer. Those two together can use up quite a bit of our available bandwith and sometimes the streaming will buffer just a bit. The system also has the capability to prioritize wi-fi traffic to a device. So, if I know Dh is watching something and I'm watching something, I'll set it to prioritize his device for an hour (or you can choose different amounts of time). Based on this, I really don't think we have a need for faster (ie more money) wi-fi. We haven't been having any issues getting wi-fi out in the shop, so that's a huge plus. So, far this month our phone data hasn't been used much (now that this is all working well), so no chance of going over our data limit, like we had issue with the first 2 months of living here and trying to get it all sorted out. If you are trying to get wi-fi throughout your home or near it, I would definitely recommend this device. It did take some help from the phone company to get the settings right, because it works in tandem with their router, but now it's been good. Plus the phone guy had said he and their other tech both use this google system in their homes.


  1. Well done on blocking those calls for your mom. It's a worry isn't it. I get about 3 a day on my landline and occasionally get them from Africa (mainly) on my mobile (the latest are coming in from Tunisia)!!! At least on my mobile I can block them but on the landline I just let it ring, or occasionally pick up and just put the phone on its side. It's scary stuff though isn't it.

    1. it is scary, especially since she can't seem to get "just don't answer", or at least just hang right up. She doesn't have to spend 5 minutes trying to tell them she's not interested.

  2. Good for you on the blocked calls.

    1. I wish it was a better fix. It's only blocking this particular caller #....there will be more, unfortunately.

  3. I have problems up to my ears, and a caller for the 1000th time is concerned I do not have a warranty on my car. When I finally got a real person I told him that he had better stop calling me or I would track him down and rip his throat out with my bare hands. All the old toothless women in the agency today were tittering about what I said. Try me!
