Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Memory gone

oooh boy. The memory stuff with my mom is getting worse all of a sudden. And to do with money, for the most part.

I mentioned last week she called because she was getting someone trying to call her and get $299 out of her for computer stuff. I was able to get into her Comcast log in. That didn't get changed by my step brother, but probably only because she doesn't ever use it. Her bill is auto paid. She doesn't use comcast email and has no idea she can log in for phone settings, etc. So, that's when I blocked that number from calling her back.

Friday, I'm looking at her call log and a ton of calls to her bank. I'm wondering what is going on, but I was out most of the day Friday.

Then DD told me that my mom called her last week(but called her husbands cell #) and wanted her social security #. Something to do with her will, but DD wasn't quite sure and with these memory issues was a little nervous even giving it to her. I said I'd ask her about it.

Then I call her yesterday to say hello and find out she had a charge on her bank credit card she did not know what it was for and spent a bunch of time last Friday on the phone with her bank about it. She said she was looking online but couldn't tell if it got fixed or not. I said, well, I have your log in - remember, you gave me all that before, but it must have gotten changed, it won't work. She says "oh yeah, your step brother changed that too (WHAT IN THE HELL?!). So, I got the new login and password out of her and logged in. I see this charge for $1550 to a company in the town her BF lives in and it also has a ph# given. Then she mentions something about my son...maybe it has something to do with him....she loaned him some money. I'm like did you give him your credit card#?? No, I don't think so.

As I'm looking at her online bank summary page, her savings account says in RED negative $888,896.93. WHAT IN THE HELL?! I open the account and the last transaction is 6/20 "on hold" for that amount. Other than that she is supposed to have like $96 in it. I ask her to look at that (she is online at same time as me). She has no clue.

So, I told her to call her bank and ask about it. I will call this number that put the charge on her credit card and find out what it is. I call......sure enough...it's something for my son. The guy said he bought a used truck and that he said he was getting the down payment from a relative and gave him the credit card# to charge. I said ok, that helps me to know what this is. I explained my mom is having memory issues and doesn't recall doing this and I'm not quite sure if she had this charged stopped or not, but I will get back to him.

I call her back. She is totally confused. She thinks she gave my son $2000, but thought she gave him a check. She said she has written down note to herself "loan to DS, $2000".  I said well, he says you gave him your cc# so he could do the down payment and it's $1550, last Wednesday. I cannot get out of her if she disputed the charge or not. She says "well, I should probably cancel that card" I said well, your email from BofA yesterday says they are sending you a new card out, so it looks like you already did? Oh, I guess so, she says.

then she tells me she didn't call the bank about her savings, she was waiting to hear what I found out about the charge (2 different issues). I said ok, well, since we aren't sure if you disputed this or not, you need to call the bank and find out. Tell them it's a legit charge. So, I wait an hour and call her back. She says the bank is supposed to call her back. I wait another hour and try to call her but she doesn't answer. Later in the evening she calls me back. I asked if the bank called her back? By then she couldn't even remember why she was supposed to talk to the bank. I'm trying to explain it to her again and so she's going to get online with her bank, only I don't know what she did. Suddenly her computer is on some weird screen that I can't figure out what she is telling me. It was like her computer wanted her to log in, which she doesn't have set up like that. I got her to shut off the computer and restart but it came back on the same screen.

So, I'm logged into her bank online taking a closer look at all of it. She has checking, savings, and 2 visa's on it.  I notice the 2nd visa has a small $200ish balance and says "Past Due!". I look at that closer. She used the card 3 times last May, hasn't used it since, and never paid the bill! She's like what? I didn't even know I had 2 cards. So, she looking in her wallet and tells me she doesn't even know where her other credit card is either. What in the world is going on? She can't find this 2nd card in her wallet either. I said, well, I'm just going to pay this right now, online, and it will pull the money from your checking to pay it off.

I still don't know why my step brother changed literally all most all her log ins and passwords. It has  her so confused. I emailed him, basically asking him why. I said I have all her info written down in a notebook, for me, in case something happened, like she ended up in hospital, so I could take care of everything. I have her accounts, logins, bills list, insurance co info, dr info, medicine list, etc. If stuff is getting changed, I really need to be in the loop.

This morning first thing, I log into her account again and sure enough, she did dispute that charge. I call the bank and tell them I am on her checking as a signer, but not sure about savings. She says she can't talk to me, unless mom ok's it, but I did explain about the -888,888 dollars in savings balance and she was able to tell me that was their code for a fraud notation. So this was back from June. Not sure why it hasn't cleared off. But, she does suggest a great idea. That I do a 3 way call with them and my mom, so I can get all these issues resolved. So, now I'm going to call my mom and attempt this....I am hoping that the charge that is in "dispute status" can just be un-disputed so it still goes through. That's what I need to find out. Wish me LUCK!


  1. What a mess! Your mom's finances really need to be in someone else's hands if her memory issues are this severe. Plus she is so computer illiterate it's just making matters worse. It might be time to broach the subject with her.

    1. Exactly, between the computer confusing her and everything it's time.

  2. Yikes! What a mess. This sounds familiar. We had to take over all of my mom's financial duties. She was actually relieved.
    There was a big scam bust last week. The guys were from Nigeria making the computer calls like your mom got. They tell the person their computers will not function if they don't pay the $299. Ridiculous stuff.

    1. My boss was just telling me same...her mom ended up relieved to have it taken over.

  3. Oh, what a nightmare. I think you need to take over as executor, and ONLY you. I know from my MIL, even with no family issues, (DH and his brother were above board) having too many people involved can cause headaches, even if it's just, for instance, because one person receive a call from the parent for a silly thing, makes payment, then forgets to call the other about it because the call came at a very busy/hectic time of day.

    1. Exactly. I'll definitely be discussing this with her some more. Just can't overwhelm her with it all at once.

  4. Besides taking control of her finances take your mother to her physician, she may need to see a geriatric specialist. Go with her, don't depend on her boyfriend. She needs a thorough workup. Hopefully, her memory issues can be reversed if something like meds are a contributing factor. Good luck.

    1. She has her follow up appt today. Her bf is going with her. I trust him completely. He's very sharp and will be pushing the dr to see if it's her meds. We've been discussing it.

  5. Oh my! What a mess! You may have already mentioned it, but I would make sure to be named as her DPOA both for health and financial. We had to do this with my dad. It gave us the legal right (when we felt it was time) to do handle things as we saw fit. Having these documents in place would also help with situations like what you just dealt with. Strange that your step-brother is changing passwords/logins. Another thing you could do is have a cap on how much can be charged or withdrawn from her accounts unless you authorize it.

  6. That is not good. I think you need to take over her finances too. It is just a matter of time she may get scammed. I would go to her bank and other financial institutes with her to get everything set up. She should be able to use her cc and dc but, with a certain limit and you should pay all her bills online. I do not know your family dynamics well but, someone has to take care of her financially. I also agree with the above advice about contacting her physician. Good luck with all this. It is sad to see our parents age...

    1. yes, I'm going to have to start monitoring very close and take over soon. She has most of her bills on auto pay, so that's good. She keeps some (still a decent amount) in her checking but the balance of her money is in an investment account separate, so that is good.

  7. I feel your pain! Good luck. It's frustrating, yet they really can't help it. It comes with age - some worse than others. I had an "issue" with my (86 yr.old) mom & her Paypal account. She signed up for something that was 30-days free, then they started charging her, emptying out her Paypal account, then going into her checking account. She didn't realize it until she got some kind of a notice that she owned Paypal money. What a BIG.EFFING.MESS. So anyway you can take control & monitor/handle & let her use a credit card, or keep a small amount available for her to get cash (a few $100) & the rest tucked safely away until it's needed. There are so many scammers out there it's terrifying having elderly parents.

    1. No, she can't help it. I did really well to stay super calm and sweet to her during the whole conversations. I showed no frustrations, LOL.

  8. Super scary, she is lucky to have you. I keep an eye on my granny's too, also from different state. I have no children to help me some day.

    1. it was a bit of a scary day or two. She is doing so much better now.

  9. Sounds like you really need to take over the management of her finances. Hope you get it all sorted out.

    1. I definitely need to start monitoring it regularly so I can jump in when necessary.
