Monday, August 12, 2019

Manic Monday

Yesterday we took a day off and just rested. I made Blueberry muffins for breakfast. We both took a nap. I read, DH watched stuff on YouTube on his phone. Then he started watching some clips of the comedian Gabriel Iglesias, which I guess he wasn't familiar with, so I brought one of his shows up on Netflix and we watched (and laughed!) at that. Dinner was a hashbrown casserole. I tried to invite our neighbor over for dinner, as his wife is out of town, but he was actually leaving to go pick her up at the airport around dinner time, so he had to pass. I wasn't sure when she was getting back. The weather was dark, cool, rainy and stormy. A good day to not do much.  I had ordered some felt pads in various sizes that you can stick on the feet of furniture, so we got those put on the new living room furniture and the coffee and end table. After dinner we watched another of the comedy shows on Netflix.

Work has been busy with the transition to the new payroll/HR company. This afternoon will be our first payroll processed under it. Our training guy will be walking it through, with me and my boss, step by step. Plus, our IT migrated our email system over to a new system over the weekend, so that's been fun all morning (not!). A lot of the settings didn't transfer. I couldn't find our company calendar, so I was really relieved that last Friday I had written down all those on vacation for this payroll. It appears all my saved emails in a zillion folders are slowly loading in. The calendars finally loaded, though everything is the same color, so a bit hard to read and separate out meetings from vacations, etc.  I did easily figure out how to delete the old email exchange from my phone and add the new one.

DH hooked up the extra dryer, that he had somehow forgotten about. Was able to dry laundry again.....and then the door handle to it broke off! Good grief.

Poor DD - she bought a $100 gift card for their friend who took the wedding pictures. The friend went to use it and it showed a zero balance and had been hacked. The store told him there was nothing they can do about it. I told DD to call the store who the gift card it to, and also the grocery store she bought it at. And also since she did buy it with her Discover Card, to check with them to see if that is something that could be covered under her fraud protection for card charges.


  1. I think you deserved a day off don't you? And for your DD, I would hope her Discover card would be able to insure her lost purchase. Over here, normally, a credit card is good for that!

    1. that's what I told her to check into. She wasn't aware of the credit card fraud protection, so hopefully that helps her out.

  2. Sluggy had the same problem with gas cards. She called somewhere, maybe the place that issues the cards, and got it all straightened out.

    1. I was remembering she did too! I think DD got it figured out

  3. Glad you had a restful day on Sunday. Hope your daughter was able to get the gift card situation taken care of.

  4. Sorry about the gift card. Hope it can be resolved.

  5. Kind of makes me hesitant to buy gift cards. Hope your DD gets it figured out.
