Monday, July 9, 2018

Under contract!

Good news! We got an offer on our house. On Friday my agent texted that an agent wanted to show the house on Sunday. Then texted back that they might change it to Saturday morning at 10:30, they were trying to schedule some other viewing appts and they'd get back to us. Well, I never heard anything back by the end of Friday so I texted my agent, but got no reply (which was strange). Saturday morning I was assuming it was a no, since I didn't hear back. I tried texting my agent one more time around 8:30 am but no reply. About 9:20 we left to go out to our property and as we were in town getting our mail my agent texted that yes, they were coming this morning at 10:30. Oh geez. Back home we went. DH pulled his pick up out of garage and left. I ran the vacuum real quick and put a few things out of sight. At 9:50 I was outside putting the kitchen garbage in the can when they pulled up - 40 minutes early. LOL. I told the agent just give me a couple minutes to grab my purse and get my dogs out to the car. The couple viewing it was an older couple, probably in their 70's.

Saturday eve our agent called that they really liked it and we should be getting an offer on Sunday. Yay! We got the offer around noon Sunday. It was for our asking price, less $3500 towards their VA closing costs and $489 for a one year home warranty. We were ok with this offer, but not the 60 day closing. We need it done asap, as we can't start our construction loan for our house part until this house closes. Our agent checked back and texted me that the were ok with 45 day close. We sent back a counter offer, just changing the closing to 45 days and our agent also changed the section where they had to provide proof that their loan application was in process by the end of this week (they had left it as an open date). I just now got a text this morning from my agent that they signed the counter offer, so we are now officially under contract!

I'm sure it will all be great and work out fine. Now we have to hold our builder's feet to the fire and get this dang shop finished so we can live in it in 45 days!

We did good and made some decent money on this house and we are happy about that, too. Our agent had actually wanted us to list it for $25,000 less than we did, but DH did a lot of research of what's for sale and at what pricing and held his ground. So glad he did! It took us 3 1/2 weeks to sell. We got $60,000 more than we paid for it almost 2 years ago. Of course we put about $11,000 into it and we have to now pay realtors fees for selling, but after we pay off our loan balance on it, we are going to have proceeds of about $53,000.  Two-thirds of that will be used to pave our driveway and fence our property, but I am so happy we now will have the money to do that.


  1. HOW EXCITING!!! Congratualtions - I am jumping up and down for you! What a load off to get that done! I remember well.

    1. Thanks! Now I'm just praying we don't have to go through the failed sales like we did on our old house! Hoping this goes smooth.

  2. I am so glad you have a contract. I thought you paved your driveway and posted a picture.??? I know you have said, but how many acres do you have? What kind of fence?

    1. No, we can't pave until they are done with all the excavating work. Excavator hasn't even prepped for the driveway yet. Maybe you are thinking of Jennifer (above) who just posted a pic of her driveway? We have 2 acres. The fence will be what I call "hog fencing". I can't attach a pic in comments or I would, haha. Basically wood framed and field type fending, 4ft high. If you google "hog fending" images that will give you an idea.

  3. How exciting! Congratulations!

  4. Congrats on selling the house. I'll cross my fingers all the timing works out for ya!
    Won't you need the proceeds for a down payment on your construction loan or what? Having only bought and not built I don't know how all that works....

    1. Between the land (that we own 100%) and what we have put into it so far out of pocket, that counts as our equity for down payment on the construction loan. Not to mention all that money from proceeds will go towards property and increase it's value/equity

  5. thats great to get an offer! fingers crossed it works out

  6. Fantastic! Nothing beats having a signed contract, well except the closing!

    1. yes, closing is a good part. LOL. My agent just emailed that he talked w/buyer's lender, who is local (in the city) and is great to work with and he said everything looks good on his end with buyer's qualifications.

  7. Congratulations - and here's your hubbie saying he thought it was a bit "slow" at 2 weeks!!!!

    1. haha yes. mostly we were just concerned that no one was interested in even looking at it, took almost 3 weeks for first lookers.

  8. Congratulations, my fingers are crossed for you!!

    1. Thank you - I'm keeping them crossed too! We don't need any more delays.

  9. I am thrilled for you! Doing your homework is paying off. Glad you didn't go with what your agent first suggested.

    1. Yes, that extra we got compared to what he wanted to list for will do our paving - free and clear!

  10. What a relief and a great blessing.

  11. Yay! That is great news! I am so glad, you held your ground so that you have a halthy profit on this house. Money does not grow on trees as we all know. Very well done! Wishing you a very fast closing. I will be in the US late August, if you need muscle "to convince" the builder do his work faster, let me know. Hahaha!

    1. healthy profit... hate typos

    2. That's what DH said. Why should we give up money just so he can have a quick sale and someone else can get a good deal. Late August....that's probably right about when we'll need ya. LOL
