Thursday, July 12, 2018

My Friday

DH might have a line on an electrician to finish our job. He was talking to the guy last night who did all the rockery work. He knows of another local electrician he said he would recommend, and did his house. Hopefully he can finish up for us and not cost us an arm and a leg. DH made a list of basically what still all needs to be done to finish the electrical. Basically the wires were all roughed in. The electrician was waiting for the drywall to get in and then he was going to finish. If the drywall had gotten done when it was supposed to.........

Today the siding is getting put up. Maybe. It's 8:30 am and the builder just texted DH he's just leaving his house, over an hour away. But it will all still only be half sided - as apparently the builder hasn't even ordered the stone yet, nor the shakes. It also appears either he ordered, or they sent, the wrong soffits. We are having tongue and groove and what got sent with the siding is not that.  I think the sub doing the tape and texturing (ie mudding) inside is coming Monday.

That's about all I know. I'm taking tomorrow off, since we have to run into the city and do some banking and pick up some building supplies. I can't seem to take my vacation days enough to start bringing my balance down, LOL. I still have almost 6 weeks to use. Once I know a more definitive date of when we have to move out of this house, I will take a week off and use some up.


  1. All I can say is you have the patience of a saint!!!!!!

  2. Our excavator passed away before he finished when we were building. He was like only 38! Eventually his dad finished the job. The son was a sweet soul. The father was not. We knew them both before and the father had zero personality.
    Hopefully your new electrician can just pick up where the other left off.
    You really seem to be moving right along. I know it's an exhausting process but it is worth it to see your dream come true. :)

    1. that's so sad about the excavator. Actually we are not moving right along, LOL. We started this process end of March...and don't even have the shop half done yet :( When they actually only work about 2 days a week on our project it's going very slow.

    2. Monica, do you live in AL?

  3. I wish you and your husband all the patience required to finish this project. I am sure it is tiring but I also think that it is also fun. You get to pick sidings, lamps, etc. to your liking and I am sure the end result will be very nice. So, try to concentrate on the fun part.

    1. it is fun to pick all that out and see it come together.

  4. Whenever you are in a waiting mode, everything seems to feel like it takes forever. Hang in there. It will all come together. I'm eager to see pictures of the siding! Another exciting step in the right direction!

    1. I got to see a little bit of siding up today, when I dropped DH off at the property on our way back from the city. And our tongue and groove soffits. It looks nice!

  5. I would not give a good recommendation to this guy. I think you should have gotten it in writing when he would finish and how many days each week he would work, barring rain.

    1. We told him we want a deadline added to the contract for the house. His quality of work is excellent, his time line is awful. But there are no contractors available for anything in this area now - if we tried to switch now we'd be paying thru the nose (even more) to get someone to do it.
