Monday, July 16, 2018

Getting going on this Monday

DH's sister and her hubs came over to be with their brother this week. I think they are staying at his house, in the city. Yesterday afternoon DH offered if they all wanted to meet us halfway at a nice restaurant and we'd take them all to dinner. It was nice to be all together, though very hard at the same time. There were 8 of us, with BIL/SIL's daughter and also SIL's mother had come over to be with them, too. You can tell they are wiped out, but trying to keep moving forward at the same time. BIL and his daughter had even done a half marathon that morning. Good for them.  I still don't know how a dinner for 8 people only cost $128 (plus tip). I didn't spend too long looking at the receipt. I didn't want to look like I was being cheap looking at every line, LOL, plus it was so much cheaper than I thought it would be, I just signed the receipt and left a nice tip. Usually when DH and I go to this place it's $50, with tip, $100 when we take my daughter and her fiance, so I was expecting at least $200. But half the people ordered a burger, which is quite a bit cheaper on the menu then a dinner meal and a few of them only had water to drink. DH's parents will not be able to attend the memorial service. MIL can't travel and FIL has to stay with her. It's nice that SIL and her hubs were able to take the week off and come and be with them. This is the brother that DH recently reconnected with (barely) but dealing with this has instantly put it all back together for them, I think. I hope they can find some common ground to be friends, going forward. and of course all this even brings home to us even more the pain of our situation with our own son and wishing it could be resolved.

As we got home last night DD was texting me. Then my friend who's DH is cheating on her texted me. And then my neighbor friend across the street started texting me. She had also done the half marathon and was so proud. I don't think I've ever tried to have 3 conversations going at the same time. Plus DD and first friend were serious conversations.

On a brighter note: at work a month or so ago I was trying to find the proof that our previous office lease company owed us for a security deposit of approx $20,000 we had paid back in 2010. I tried to get a copy of the check from our old bank, but they couldn't go back that far. It's kind of confusing relationship, but one of our company owners used to own the building our company rented from. I used to do the books for the building for several years. I pretty much save everything, old docs and emails on my computer. I had previous balance sheets for this building that showed the security deposit our company made, on the books. I think that ended up being the proof. My boss emailed Friday that the new building owners agreed we did pay it and owe it back to us. That's really good news.

As for our building progress: the windows are now in (they look nice) as well as the siding and soffit's were started. Loving the stained tongue and groove soffits. DH helped with the staining, while they cut and installed.
I'm having trouble getting motivated to work this morning. It's probably going to be like that all week, with all that's going on. I'll muddle through it. Plus it also sounds like a busy week on tap with the construction. Siding, sheetrock mudding, and some site work all should be going on.


  1. I find it hard to be productive on mind work when my emotions are up in the air. Doing something physical is so much easier.

    1. yes it is harder to do mind type work. I find myself off on other thoughts

  2. It sure was nice of you to bring the family together at this difficult time. Any young death is hard to deal with but suicide is an entirely different story. I wish you guys peace.

  3. Nice that you could all come together - maybe something positive will come out of this with your dh & his brother!! I would LOVE to wake up to that blue sky every morning - what a view you are going to have!!!!

    1. I have a feeling it will bring the brothers closer. and if not, well, DH was there for him when he needed it, so at least there's that. When the sun first comes over that hill in the mornings it's so pretty

  4. I hope this helps heal the rift between the brothers. It is horrible that often tragedy is what breaks the divides in families.

    1. I think it probably helps that they had tentatively started reconnecting before this happened. Nothing can replace his son, but hopefully he'll feel some comfort that he has his big brother back in his life

  5. It would be good to see something come out of a bad situation. Prayers for continued healing.
