Wednesday, July 25, 2018

People pleaser

I am not a sales person nor do I like to negotiate. At all. My mom was very good at it. If there was a new car to be bought in our family, my mom did the negotiating. My dad would just sit back and let her at it. I recall one car sales lot visit with my step sister. She was 19 or 20, had a full time job and wanted to buy a car, so she took my parents. My mom haggled with the salesman and finally the salesman looked over at my dad and said "what do you feed her? nails?!". I'll never forget that, haha.

Me, I can't stand to negotiate or ask for anything extra. I won't even offer someone a lower price at a garage sale. There have been a few times I was buying something used, like on Craigslist that I might offer a bit less, but that would be the extent of it. If they countered with something else, I'd take it and be done. I'm a agreeable type of personality. I don't like conflict and I don't like to come across as I'm being unreasonable or mean, etc. Just not in my nature. It literally makes me sick to my stomach to haggle over price. Some people are great at it.

We probably wouldn't have offered the owner of this house we are in as much as we ended up getting below his asking price. The only reason we did is because his sale fell through (we sorta kinda new the guy through a friend) and he had told us what they have offered him ($8,000 less than asking) and he had called to see if we were still looking. So, DH told him we'd offer same as he took from other guy. If that had not happened and we were just looking at on offer (without that previous history) we probably would have offered like $4k less, but more than likely full price. So, with the $8,000 they took off their asking price we sure as heck did not have it in us to then use all the inspection piddly stuff and then come back and ask them to pay to fix. I guess we are different than a lot of people in that regard. Now if the inspection had shown something serious or major, sure then we would have had to renegotiate. But there was nothing major, nothing broken, nothing that didn't work as it should.  It was just very minor stuff due to normal life span of things along with some general regular maintenance type stuff.

I don't take personal an inspection. They are paid to do that. What I do take personal is being asked to be even more accommodating than I already agreed to and expected to spend more of my money.

When the offer came in on our house it came with asking for $4,000 allowance our of our proceeds. I thought about counter offering like $2000, but again, I didn't want to come across as difficult to deal with, or have to negotiate, so I accepted the offer. Honestly, at the time the thought of doing a counter offer instantly made my stomach clench up. I don't want or like to feel like that so I always agree to what anyone ever asks of me.

But, at some point even us easy going folks have to draw the line. I'm not going to just keep giving and giving, just so that I don't come across as a hard to deal with person. Of course, that is how I'm being made to feel by our agent. "well, if you don't agree to this you might lose the sale and I don't want to lose the sale". Well, of course he doesn't. But we already did our part and our due diligence in pre-disclosing the issue with the 3 cracks in siding and the cracked concrete. We already did our part with agreeing to give the buyer the $4,000 allowance. We're done giving and negotiating anymore. And if that makes us hard to work with and unreasonable, so be it, I guess. It actually feels kinda of good to finally not just always be so agreeable and accommodating to anything anyone ever asks of me. I doubt I'll make a habit of it (too much stress getting to that point). DH is the same way - just constantly tries to please everyone and give give give. Example: day before yesterday (after the tape and texture guy finally did a full days work) he came home telling me how terribly slow the guy was, that he even talked really slow, like maybe a few brain cells missing. Then yesterday he comes home and sees his Teeter inversion table in the corner of the room. (the thing we paid $300 for that he rarely uses anymore) and asks me how much we paid. Then he said he was just wondering because the tape and texture guy has major back problems and his doctor recommended a table (one that costs $75) but he doesn't even have the money for that. DH is thinking about just giving him ours for free. Because DH loves to do things for people and loves to have them like him, but as soon as he's trying to ask for something or expect something from someone (like getting the work done we've contracted and are paying for) he's the biggest jerk, to them. We're expected to give and give and be so accommodating, but the minute we expect something we're wrong for asking or expecting. I don't get it.

These issues that the buyer needs (siding) and wants (the rest of his list) fixed are only an issue (probably) with his VA financing. These 3 cracks are in photos and listed in the inspection report we had from 2 years ago. It was not an issue with FHA, nor would it be with conventional financing. It is not my responsibility to pay even more due to the financing he is using, especially when we disclosed it with the listing. If he wants this house he certainly has the option of paying for the fixes he wants, himself.

I've always wished I had more of a personality like my mom. or other people I know who don't have problems dealing and negotiating. I'm sure those that have that kind of personality don't understand people like me. (and probably don't realize how literally sick inside it makes me). What's the big deal? LOL. I know I would have gotten a lot farther in a career if I had been the type of person that doesn't mind conflict. I tried being a supervisor for a year and a half. I absolutely hated it. Had major stomach problems the whole time. I'm just an introvert with a people pleasing personality. But not today, haha.


  1. I am not a skilled negotiator, but fortunately there has never been a deal on the table that I will not walk away from, so I have not gotten stuck in a deal I don't like. I was buying a car once and had the cash in my purse. The car dealer and I were within 300 dollars of each other when he said "Well little lady I think I need to talk with your husband" The little lady stood up, reminded him she was anything but little, it was her car not his she was buying, she had the cash in her bag and was taking her not so little self and the cash across town to a different dealer. I have never set foot in that dealership again!

    1. good for you! see, I would have sat there (well, before he said "that") and gave in to the $300. I probably would have never even got to the point where we were $300 apart. I'd have probably given in before that :( I wish I were better at feeling like "just walk away". I always thought maybe it was an age thing. my mom was older and had learned how to do that over the years. But, I've never changed. It must be a personality thing. Either you have it or you don't. I should find a self help book about people pleasing, LOL

    2. Ha Anne, that "little lady" bit would have got my goat so much I would have had his balls for breakfast - and I'm a wimp!

    3. I had something similar happen with the realtor we used to sell a vacant piece of property we owned. After his condenscending attitude towards me (I'll spare you the details) we did not use him to sell our house, which we put on the market just a few short weeks later. His attitude ended up costing him thousands in commission.

  2. I have the same kind of personality you have. I really don't think it's possible to change completely; perhaps in this instance they will have pushed you to far.

    1. I don't think it's possible either. And even though I've taken a stance, I'm so stressed over it, because it's not in my nature.

  3. Kudos for standing your ground! I do not understand why some people feel they are entitled to everything. It gets real frustrating. I am so sorry for all that you have to endure but, all that will pass, hopefully soon. I can haggle on behalf of others or the company but, I do not like to do it for myself. However, I operate on a short fuse and I can get really angry and show it.

    1. thank you. I can't even haggle for others, LOL. DH is better at haggling for others, like you, but not himself. But he also has the short fuse and it bothers him to have to haggle, even for others.

  4. I'm like you, I avoid conflict at any cost. Mine comes from growing up in a very abusive, alcoholic home where you didn't rock the boat at all. I'm still that way and I know how hard it is to not give in to make people happy - GOOD FOR YOU for standing your ground!!!

    1. I don't know where my conflict avoidance came from. My mom is nice, but tough and can deal with stuff like that. My (step) dad (they got together when I was 6) was very easy going, so he just let mom handle stuff like that. There was never any yelling or fighting between them. I guess it's just a personality trait in my case. I was a shy and timid kid

  5. I'm like you too but in some cultures they just don't respect you unless you haggle. When I was in Morocco (on my own) I went round the souk and automatically offered 50% of what they were asking. I REALLY wanted one bag and holdall so offered 50% but then walked off as he wasn't budging. He chased me down the street after that and I got my suitcase/holdall. But that's Morocco. I'm the idiot that pays full price for cars too - I just can't be bothered - they usually see me coming sadly.

    1. oh gosh, I'd be a goner in a haggle country LOL. I especially don't like negotiating stuff like salary. I rarely stand up for myself. Sometimes I will get to the point where I have asked for a raise, but I accept what they give me without a peep.

  6. I infuriated my ex-husband with my refusal to agree to terms we were given. It saved us money to refuse to sell house lower, and to refuse to pay amount asked for furniture. I always asked for a better deal after getting the first. He was nervous as a cat when I haggled for anything. He finally said my being stubborn really saved us money.

    I was tasked with car shopping while he was out of town. I asked a dealer to allow me to drive a car in the showroom. He looked at my three kids and said no, bring my husband in and he would allow him to drive it. So, we went to Memphis and I got a nicer, prettier, classier car.

    When we came back, I had my husband pull up to the dealership and my husband bring the guy out to the car. He told the guy he would have bought the car I wanted, but since he would not deal with a woman, we went to Memphis and he bought the car I wanted. The guy looked sort of sick.

    I did not take sticky, fighting children with me. They were freshly bathed, standing being polite when I asked for us to drive the first car. They had been coached about how I could not deal with buying a car if I had to continually correct them. They got good lessons about haggling and each of them is good at it. In that respect they are just like me and it makes me proud.

    1. I wish I could be like that! I'm sure it would have saved me bunches over the years.

  7. dh is a better haggler with larger stuff than I am.

    1. it helps to have a partner who can do it :) Mine can do it a little, but not much.

  8. I am the same as you, negotiating makes me uncomfortable, and I'm usually agreeable. DH is slightly better, but not much! I dread putting our old house on the market when our renter finally (if ever) vacates. A friend of mine has hers on the market right now and is already under contract for the second time. The first buyer wanted all new windows installed to the tune of $40k!! There's nothing wrong with the windows, and it's a new-ish home (2014!) She had high hopes for this second buyer, but they just got back their inspection to-do list. They accepted an offer that was $10k under sales price + all closing costs. The repairs list is 12 pages of long, including a few of my personal favorites: "Have loose on bathroom cabinet professional repaired. Have too high water pressure professional repaired. Replace concrete supports on deck due to dirt."

    Outrageous!!! I mean it goes on and on and it's simple stuff my friend and her husband could do, but the buyer wants a licensed professional to perform all repairs/inspections and to provide receipts. I think buyers are being beyond difficult with their high expectations on houses that aren't being built brand new! Their agents are just as bad. I hope your issue is resolved or maybe 3rd times a charm!

    1. oh geez! that's exactly what ours is saying "must be professionally repaired and receipts". That is insane about new windows on a 4 year old house. I guess buyers these days think they should get a brand new house out of the deal. Just before we got his offer I did a search of what is available in our town/county for same price. Older homes (which you know would likely have more issues than ours) with outdated kitchens and baths. I did a search of what was for sale at this same price in the bigger city 45 minutes away. There were 2 mfg homes for sale and one 1100 sf row house type of place. I wish the guy luck finding a brand new house for this same price!
