Thursday, July 26, 2018

Some good bits

In the midst of all this stress and crap there are at least a couple of bright spots.

My DD applied for some jobs with the big company her fiance works for. She's been asked to interview for two positions. The positions are in the same department, one is a level 1 and the other level 2. She's every excited. It's actually right down the road from where she works now, so she and fiance would still be able to carpool. Her interview is Monday, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her.

DH called to chat with his dad last night. FIL said our son stopped by to see them this past Sunday. He said he looked really good and told his grandpa he's "kicked the drugs and cigarettes". FIL also said son asked about us. While I'm not so sure that part might be true, it is very good to hear he is doing better. Like I told DD, even if he never wants anything to do with us, there is no reason he still can't be a good, productive person with his life. We certainly aren't stopping him from doing that.

I was re-reading the pages that came with the inspection items the buyer wants repaired. These are pages directly from the inspection report, with the pictures. On the bathtub patch. It says it's functional and it's just a note pointing out that there is a patch there and the suggestion is to maintain the caulk to prevent water penetration and damage. It does not say it needs to be fixed. So, why is the buyer saying he wants "master bath drain repaired"? Just stupid.

I also sent my agent an email saying since we are being asked to explain our position (by our own agent), maybe it should also be asked of the buyer and his agent, why, since the siding and concrete were pre-disclosed, why they did not include it in their initial offer, if it was going to be an issue for him? Our agent replied back "that is a good question, I am going to ask that".

I guess book club died.  There has been no emails about it in 2 months now. My property neighbor mentioned it the other day, that she guessed it was over and done with. As we were both walking away from each other she commented "maybe we'll have to start a new one" and I said "yes, maybe we will".

DH sent me a pic (it's 7pm and he's still working at property) of the water and septic trench dug and a water line laying in it. Some progress there, at least. I'm sure DH will be sooo tired. He left the house at 5:30am.


  1. I hope your DD gets the best job there is available. Keeping fingers crossed. I am glad your son is doing better. Your DH is working too much. Hope he takes care of himself to rest frequently and stay hydrated.

    1. thank you so much. He is working way too much but he is really good about staying hydrated.

  2. I know you needed some good news. That is great for daughter and son.

    I think you are being played by potential buyer and maybe your agent. He should have thought this through! Maybe your ability to see the obvious and express it in email is your strength even if you cannot express it in person. Good for you.

    When I was reading, my thought was "start a new one."

    1. I think you right about the agents. I'm having to think this through. I just sent him another email this morning, doing just that for him (but before I read your comment, haha). Thank you

  3. Certainly good news for your kids. I understand the pain of being disconnected with a child. No matter what, we still want the best for them.

    I pray that the agents (on both sides!) quit jerking you around. Either they want the house for the agreed upon price (with no more concessions on your part) or they don't. At least you are in a good position to walk away from the deal.

    1. Exactly! I was talking to my mom last night and she wondered if maybe he was having second thoughts about buying so added the extra, hoping we'd decline and he could get out of it. Who knows. I think he's just being greedy. Take it or leave it. At some point someone else will buy it.
