Friday, July 20, 2018


About the only good news I got yesterday was the inspector came back to pick up his radon testing unit that he had to leave for 2 days. All good. Very low radon level.

I have scheduled off work the last 2 days of the month, so I can work on getting some additional quotes on our flooring and countertops. I finally got an email back from the cabinet lady (of course she is on vacation) who said she is still interested (no explanation as to why she hasn't given me what I asked for months ago) and will get me the revised quote next week. This is her last chance. I'm not contacting her again about it. The quote should be a good chunk lower, as I said, we removed one of the kitchen islands. I'm going to stop in the granite place we got a quote from months ago and have them re-do it, since we don't need granite on one island and we also decided to do the bar countertop on the one island we will have in wood (preferably wood slab we already have). That should reduce their quote.  Then I'm going to at least one other granite place for more quotes to compare.

I had gotten one flooring quote. Builder had told me to get a quote from a different flooring place he uses a lot, as they would probably be cheaper. So, I'm going there, too and hopefully knock some off that. I know I had talked to the first guy about using remnants in some rooms. I don't need my carpeting to all match (I'm only carpeting bedrooms and my office) and he says they sometimes get nice stuff at really cheap.

On a good note, the siding work is slowly getting completed (with DH doing half the work!)  Here's a pic from  yesterday
FYI, that's not me sitting there LOL. It's the siding guys wife. She painted all the trim work and will be painting the inside when it's ready. We also now have a door in, which is going to get painted dark brown

This afternoon my neighbor across the street and I went out so she could see it all. I have been so tired today. I tried to take a nap this afternoon but could not sleep. Just too much going on in my mind I guess. But, I knew getting out of the house for awhile would do me good and it did. Hopefully I can sleep better tonight.


  1. Did you carry chairs out for you to sit in? Or, does that chair belong someone else? You are more patient than I am with all these people who procrastinate.

    1. We did take one lawn chair out there, but that painter lady sitting there must have brought her own chair to sit in while her hubby worked on siding and she was done painting the trim work

  2. I agree you have the patience of a Saint!!

  3. Your shouse looks amazing! Lol

  4. Shouse? Hahaha! English Language is being slaughtered... I congradulate you on your level of patience. By now I would have turned into a dragon.

    1. I honestly wish I could be a dragon. I'm not a confrontational person and having to be like that to get things done literally makes me sick to my stomach :(
