Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The show must go on

First off this morning, DH found out that our electrician, a local guy from our town, died of a heart attack on Sunday. What a shock and so sad. DH said he wasn't over 50 years old. Now we will quickly have to find someone who can finish where he left off. I'm not sure if he was also doing the other house being built at the end of our road. So sad, but we must keep moving forward with our project.

I have to keep reminding myself that one of these days, life will be back to normal. Probably not this year, but one of these days! Yesterday morning I left a message for our lender that we were under contract with our house. Now she can order the appraisal for the house construction loan. Hopefully this will all be timed for about the same time as closing on this house.

Yesterday the siding for the shop got delivered. Ooooh! DH texted me a pic with just a peek of it, LOL. I have to say deciding on that was just about my scariest decision so far. It's such a huge part of the house and shop and so permanent. The good part was there are only so many colors to choose from (it's pre-painted siding), so that made it easier to pick one......but, whether it will look good on a whole house? Yikes!.  And then to also decide the other exterior house colors has been giving me heartburn.  I finally decided on dark brown garage doors and dark trim. I was leaning toward a lighter colored shake. Then on Saturday the kid that did our concrete/wood stamped patio (and he decided on the colors for that and did amazing) was out, so we asked him his opinion, since he sees so many houses. He said "dark garage doors, dark trim, and a lighter colored shakes". Perfect - that's what I was thinking, too. I feel better now, LOL. Sometime this week the siding is supposed to be put up. That will make a huge change in how it looks, I'm sure.

Today one of the concrete guys and a helper is coming to finish the shed/chicken coop foundation. Gotta set up for the foundation walls and then pour tomorrow. Then, finally, our excavator can get back in and backfill and do the rest of what he needs to do. Which the big part is get the water lines dug.

It was 93 degrees yesterday. Hard for DH to work outside in that heat. It drains a lot out of him, for sure. He did say he spent some time just sitting in the shade, eating his lunch, watching the river. And got to see one of the eagles (they have a nest across the river) swoop down and pick a fish out of the river. Now that our house is pending sale, we decided to get out our little a/c unit that sits on the floor and vents out the window. It would have looked kind of crummy when trying to show the house (and thankfully it never got that hot) but now we put it up and can cool down in here somewhat.


  1. So sorry for your electrician. It is so sad when people die young.

  2. What a shock about your electrician and so young! I am going to get "the full works" (cardio, gynae, and so on) in the next couple of months as I want to look forward to my retirement. Having my friend die suddenly in May brought it home to me that tomorrow is promised to no-one.

  3. There are no guarantees in life, but it is sad when someone dies unexpectedly.

  4. Sad about the electrician dying so young. Goes to show that tomorrow is not promised. Love the color of the siding!
