Thursday, July 19, 2018

I have a headache

OOOOOeeeeee! Building a house is frustrating! Yesterday was not a good day. We are in countdown mode at 39 days until this house is supposed to close. We will need at least a couple of weeks to get all our stuff moved over, since we are doing it by ourselves, for the most part. We don't have a big 53 foot trailer we can just load up (which takes time too!), like we did last time. DH will be making bunches of trips with his car trailer or dump trailer to get it all moved. So, this shop needs to be finished in 25 days (have I mentioned that he's already had 119 days to get it done?! LOL.)  DH had another bit of a blowout with builder today. Told him it's been 14 days since anyone worked inside getting the shop finished. He said well, you can't count weekends. DH said "ok, let me rephrase it - it's been 2 work weeks since anyone worked inside getting the shop finished." (same difference!) Then DH also reminded him that their work weeks haven't even been full weeks. Fridays are off early (like 1pm) for baseball games, the other days are show up at 10am and leave at 3:30pm. So, they have an hour and a half commute to get here. Gee, I wish I could have counted my 1-2 hour commutes each way as part of my work day, when I used to have to drive to work. I'll bet my DD and her fiance would love to take their commute time out of their 8 hour work day.

Where the heck is the crew that's doing the taping and texturing?! They were supposed to come Monday last week. Then they were supposed to be here this past Monday. Then Monday morning builder said they weren't going to come until Wednesday. Then half of Wednesday came and went. Finally the guy called (should have been the builder calling to tell us, it's his sub, but he didn't want to get yelled at) and said now he should be here Friday..... We are trying to find a new electrician. We think we have a guy lined up, but he needs to know when, so he knows if he can do it in his schedule.  He can't do anything until this drywall is taped and textured. There is still so much left to do.

Taped & texture sheetrock
electrical finished and installed lighting
Painted inside
Plumbing in bathroom finished and install toilet, urinal, and sink
heating installed
water heater installed

and that's just the inside.  Outside still needs:

garage doors installed (they are on order)
siding finished
soffits finished
shakes put on (thank goodness now we are getting pre-painted, so that won't also need to be done)

Water lines dug and installed.
Septic put in
Propane tank put in (we are having it buried)

Seriously, this builder needs to get his %*&# together.

Then builder finally got the banker what she needs yesterday morning, but she needs our signed contract with him and we talked to builder on phone the night before and he was supposed to revise the total and re-email. I talked to him yesterday morning and apparently his wife didn't do it, like he told her to. She emailed it and where we had told him we wanted a time deadline in (like the one he showed us as an example last January, that had 6 months) this time. Well, he put in 9 months! No way we are letting him spend 9 months building our house, when the foundation is already done. The example he had shared with us of one of his contracts had that house at 6 months and that was starting from zero. So, he revised it to 120 days. He built our friends shop AND house in 6 months total.

I follow a town Facebook page where people post about anything. For sale, etc. Well, I see our renter neighbors girlfriend just posted: ISO of shop to use or rent cheap, asap.  Apparently guy is losing the shop he's been using the past year. Most likely people over there got annoyed with all his late night noise, eh? oh great. He better not be bringing all that crap back here! He really just needs to find a house to rent somewhere that has a shop with it and move!

DH is so so tired and worn out, which doesn't help his patience level at all. The siding is taking forever to get done. Why? because he sends one guy to do it all by himself. Even that guy is getting frustrated. A crew of 3 (or even 2) would have that sided in a day or two at most.  Then DH gets a call at 10pm last night from a friend where we used to live. This guy has been trying for at least 6 months to get a salvaged truck he restored licensed, because his state won't do it. Ours will, but he of course has to be a resident. He asked 6 months ago if he could use our address and we told him no. This town is way too small to be trying to pull a scam on the county/state. So, he got some other friend in a bigger city to do it, we thought. Well, he calls again last night and asks. DH is like no, sorry, not going to do it. This town is so small that even the FedEx guy who dropped off my outdoor lights yesterday knew we had sold our house!


  1. Sorry your construction is being delayed. Fingers crossed they finish in time.

    1. thank you. I am praying and crossing fingers and toes!

  2. I think I mentioned before that you have bigger "balls" than I do as I could NEVER build. I just don't have the nerves for it. And yes, if I could deduct my commute from my working day I wouldn't be looking to retire. I have mentioned on my blog that my son is a newly-qualified plumber, and I have drilled into his head that if he is respectful, turns up on time and does an honest day's work he can charge what he wants. Ain't that the truth. I have a couple of tradesmen like this who are worth their weight in gold.

    1. yes, just do what you say you are going to do! your customers will be happy

  3. We did our last move 100% by ourselves. Packing, loading and unloading! If I were to do it over, I'd hire a couple of strong men to help with the heavy pieces. Hope your builder gets moving. You are getting down to the wire!

    1. We just talked about that this morning. We will pack up the house. everything else is still packed an most on pallets. We are going to hire someone to help move it. we need the extra muscles to load and unload

  4. Yikes...and this is just the shop right, you still have a whole HOUSE for these chuckleheads to build???

    1. yes....yikes is right. The only thing keeping him is his quality of work is excellent.

    2. LOL@chuckleheads.
      I really don't understand how anyone gets construction work done-it is so dependent on one contractor to get his work done so that the next contractor can plan and do his work-I hope your shop gets built in time for move-in. Goodluck!
