Friday, July 27, 2018

Good news

Just received an email from our agent. It appears buyer is backing down from his demands. Now he is saying, if there are any repairs called out by the appraiser (the inspector thinks it would only be the siding cracks) then the cost to repair will come out of the allowance we already gave the buyer. Now, there you go. Seems reasonable to me. Looks like we are back in business.


  1. This is good news. Your last post disappeared on me when I went to comment, so hopefully this one will go through!

  2. Yay! Hope,it will be a smooth ride from now on.

    1. I'm not counting on it, LOL. But maybe it will at least with the sale of this house.

  3. I recently found your blog and have thoroughly enjoyed your journey (although some of it made me mad-sad-nervous etc). We have looked for 5 years for our dream house as we near retirement. I could write a book on it! Even looked into building so I feel a connection to your story. Just this past few months we DID find our dream-but golly miss Molly--even that was a trial in nerves!!! The things you will learn along the may become experts in all kinds of ways!!! I'll look for you bartering and haggling when Im out and about ;-D

    1. thank you for taking the time to comment. I think the main take away from all this is nothing goes as planned and have lots of back up plans on the back burner. If we ever get all this done we plan to have a very uneventful and peaceful life after this.

  4. oh thats great! sounds like they came to their senses - hope it goes smoothly now.
