Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The month in review

Here's the numbers for October:

Credit score - up 5 points to 737. Almost to that "magic" 740 number, that supposedly helps get better financing and rates. I'm hoping I am at this by the first of the year, when I apply for a construction loan.

401k - up $1096. Another good month

Google adsense - $12.89. Not as much as previous months, but whatever. It's free money :)

Swagbucks - $8.75. Down quite a bit from recent months, but I kind of gave up trying to do survey's once I started doing M-Turk. It's just not worth the time involved to get through a survey and then be declined. M-Turks easily makes up for this going down. The next couple of months should show an increase due to online Christmas shopping.

M-Turks: $101.54.  This was a full month and my first month. Not the $5 per day I goal toward, but still very happy. Hopefully I'll do better next month.

Other good news: property tax bill came and our property went down almost $300 from last year. The taxes for our house are about the same. I won $4 and $10 in Powerball LOL. I wouldn't buy tickets at all, but DH is one of those people who really thinks he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning and just about throws a fit if I don't buy them.

My annual social security report was available online and went up about $700 a year.

I got a dividend check in the mail today for $1.32. woooo! LOL. Somehow I ended up with 4 shares of stock from a large company I worked for before DD was born. If I could figure out how to sell these measly 4 shares, I would. They are worth about $55 each.

Trick or treaters - zero, so far. Last year we only got our little neighbor kids and since they don't live there anymore, I'm thinking we won't get any others. We're too far out on the edge of town.

Time to go eat a piece of candy.............


  1. I think you will make the Mturks goal this next month. Do you use the SB search bar?

    1. yes, I use the SB search bar (got 22 for a search the other day!). Every morning I go through the daily tasks. I also use them when shopping online. I'm hoping I make at least another $100 on Mturk

  2. Glad you had a good month. I had a good month too and finally reached an important milestone in my nest egg. Onwards and upwards!
