Monday, October 16, 2017

Weekend update

I took Friday off work. It was my half work day Friday and I had a dr. appointment in the morning.  I chose a doctor office in the city to try, rather than the one here in the small town. It's a women's and family health center. All women providers, apparently. I really liked it there. It was a nice office, very friendly staff and I didn't have to wait at all. I got my two prescriptions filled and scheduled my annual exam for next spring. It also worked out that it was time to pick up DH's cholesterol prescription, so now all of our prescriptions are on the same pick up schedule. Much easier. But, my doctor wrote my prescriptions for 90 days, with 1 refill, so enough to last me until I got back for my annual. When I got home with the prescriptions I noticed they were 30 day and only say 1 refill. So, I'm going to have to call the pharmacy and make sure it's 6 months worth of refills in some form or fashion.

Then we went and got our grocery shopping taken care of. I think I did pretty good for a two week shopping trip. Only spent $153 there, and then when we were at Target we spent $62 on laundry stuff, batteries, windshield wiper fluid, box of cereal and some Halloween candy. The cereal at the grocery store was $2.49 for a small box. I said lets wait and get it at Target. It was $2.77 for the big box.

Saturday I used up a couple of over ripe bananas and made a loaf of banana bread. We just kind of relaxed in the house all day. Watched a movie around noon. Washed the bedding on the guest bed to get that room ready for our friend staying Sunday. Then we watched a movie on Amazon Prime. Took a break midway through and I made dinner (chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes) and then finished the movie. Early that evening we took a walk, which was nice.

Sunday was a nice sunny day. DH did some outside house maintenance, while I vacuumed and dusted, washed my laundry. While DH watched a bit of the Nascar race I fell asleep on the couch. Our friend arrived around 4pm. I made spaghetti for dinner and we all went to bed around 10pm, as he was getting up by 6am to get going. He and his wife have a plan to move to Tennessee in 2 years  (for same reasons we wanted out of where we used to live). She is also hoping to keep her good job and work remotely. 

Even though it was a 3 day weekend for me, it sure didn't really feel like one. I have a feeling this is going to feel like a long week, for some reason.

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