Friday, October 27, 2017

Books and Friday

Last night was book club. Yesterday afternoon I made my 4 cheese and bacon mac and cheese to take. My kitchen was a disaster, but I didn't have time to unload my dishwasher and then get all the dirty dishes inside it before I left. Then I didn't get home until 9pm and didn't feel like cleaning, so it sat a mess all  night. It's clean now! The meeting was held at my property neighbors place and I offered a ride from town to anyone in our email group. One lady did take me up on it. She just had cataract surgery on one eye a week ago and wasn't so sure about driving home at night, so she was glad for the ride. It was also a nice drive to spend a little time talking and getting to know each other better.

This was the first meeting (even though I missed last month and we didn't have any all summer) that I felt more like I fit in and knew people better. There were 10 there last night and I've got all the names down. There was also a new lady who seemed nice, too. Everyone thought the book (All the Things We Keep) was just an ok book. Nothing great, a bit contrived in the plot. All the food was delicious and we have the perfect variety for dinner foods. Some chicken breasts, mac & cheese, salad, stuffed mushrooms, veggie tray, homemade sourdough rolls.

I have made a total of $88 through M-Turk so far and was able to transfer $50 today. I made $10 yesterday, which I'm glad of, as I haven't had any time to do any today. It's my half work day Friday and then we are heading into the city soon to do our 2 week shopping. And over $7 from yesterday and a few $ from previous days still need to credit to my account.

DH was talking to his buddy again recently. Poor guy. I really feel bad for his marriage situation. I think I mentioned before how they totally split up their bills and have separate accounts (yet she has access to his checking but he does not to hers!). Well, property taxes in his area went up significantly and with his escrow adjusting to catch up on the shortfall from last year and going forward, his house payment went up $200 a month. He pays the house payment and told her he can't afford that much (he makes less than her) and she doesn't want to use any of her money towards their house payment! I really do not get their deal at all.


  1. What a nice book club you have! It is also a great way to meet people and make new friends.
    Strange way those friends of your husband handle finances. To each their own, but it doesn't sound like it is working out so well for them. Sad.

    1. it really is a nice group of ladies. Since we aren't having any book club meetings until January one of the ladies is going to host a cookie exchange. Should be fun!

  2. Wow, it sounds like the wife wears the pants in that marriage. To be honest, I would be concerned about that situation if I were him - sounds like she is stashing money. Fair enough, it's her money if that's the way they see things but it sounds very much like what's mine is mine and what's his is ours! Anna

    1. That's what my DH said to him "does she have a secret stash of money or something?". He was kind of joking, but it makes you wonder. Plus he has never knows what her credit card debt is, either. They've got about 4 more years until the youngest is off to college. I'd be surprised if they stay together after that, but you never know

  3. The equitable way for couples to split costs when their is a disparity in their earnings if to only give up a certain percentage of income toward shared expenses. That way, less is expected of him and more from her based on their salaries. Plus, if I were him and paying all the mortgage, I would take her name off the deed and mortgage. She can fight it, but his efforts might get her attention. I would be afraid of her intentions if I were him.

    1. I would be afraid too. it's not like they are newly married or anything - they've been married for 20 years. I don't get the separate money, I guess.

  4. To each their own, but it doesn't sound like it is working out so well for them. Sad.

