Friday, October 13, 2017

PTO, a house guest, hurt feelings

I was looking at my paystub. I have 205 hours of PTO accrued. I need to take some vacation! That is 5 weeks of time. Now, since this also would include taking any sick time off, I like to leave a couple of weeks on the books just for that. But still........3 weeks. This is after I just used 4 1/2 days of it. LOL. Since we rarely take vacations, I usually just  use it for staycation time. I usually always take off two weeks between Christmas and New Years, but with our generous holiday time off given, I only have to use a week of my time. Plus I earn almost 2 days per month. I'm out earning my taking. HA!
I seem to prefer taking a day or two here and there, but that sure doesn't use it up very fast, if I'm only doing that every few months.  Plus, any time I do take off, for the most part no one does my work.

We may have a house guest on Sunday. One of DH's friends from our old neighborhood is driving through (going all the way to Tennessee) and will probably stop at our house and spend the night. He'll have driven about 7-8 hours by then, so he said he'll be ready to stop for the day. I think I'll just make spaghetti for dinner that night. I think he is just traveling by himself.  He and his wife are the guardians for his 6 year old niece, so I'm assuming his wife is staying home with her. So, far, not counting our daughter, we have had two other over night visitors since we moved here. I have to say, that in the 28 years we lived at our old house we had like two! Seriously! I'm very glad I have a nice guestbedroom here, with a nice comfy queen sized bed for guests.

DH sent our builder another email on Sunday evening. Taking my advice and asking him to commit to a day/time to meet at our property as soon as possible. He replied back on Tuesday evening and said next week should work and he'll call much for getting him to commit to a date. I'm pretty sure if he blows us off this time, we'll be looking for a new builder.

DH got his feelings hurt the other night by his good friend that lives in the area. He's made a couple of comments since we moved here about DH not working (he knows why). Stuff like "you should get a job" or "well, ya you get to do such and such because you don't have to work".  Or, "my company is looking for someone, you should come work there" DH again, says to him, I can't go drive a cement mixer truck for 8-10 hours a day with my muscle condition. He can't even get medically approved for a CDL anymore. DH loves Facebook and loves to have fun and make funny posts. This guys wife is kind of like my DH - she loves to joke and tease on FB and they tease each other about the weather, mostly. DH loves snow, she loves hot weather. So, knowing that snow was supposed to happen overnight (yes! we got like an inch of snow when I woke up yesterday morning!) he made a cute/funny post on Facebook about the snow. He figured out how to make and "event" of Snow Watch and tagged our friend's wife in it, as the co-host. She replied with a funny gif type thing of "I hate you". A couple others liked the post and a couple others commented. Then friend comes in and says "you need a job, you have too much time on your hands". Like DH says to me, he already feels bad/depressed enough that he can't work, he doesn't need to be reminded of it and doesn't need someone else, who isn't living in his body, telling him he needs to go get a job. DH just kind of made a joke to his comment that "oh, it's a full time job trying to annoy your wife LOL".  I was texting my DD about what he commented and was going to make a comment "well, when you find us a medical miracle, he'll be happy to go back to work", but DH just deleted the whole post?event. I doubt friend (or wife) probably even knew he did that.  And like my DD texted to me, "it's not like you guys financially need dad to work. you are doing fine on your income".  I said to her "no kidding, I make more than both of them combined". People!


  1. Some people are just clueless when it comes to freely stating their opinion. It is so unfair for your husband. It is nobody's business to meddle into other people's affairs. There are marriages where the husband stays at home while the wife works. If the spouses are Ok with this decision, then it is nobody's business. Besides, your husband has a medical condition and he is certainly productive around the house. I hope he does not let this get to him.

    1. I agree. We have another friend couple where the guy has been out of work for a couple of years due to an injury. His wife makes really good money and now they have custody of their niece, so he's decided to just stay home and be the at home parent. I wouldn't dream of telling him he needs to get a job. I think what gets to DH about his friends comments is he's discussed several times with this friend that he feels bad he can't work and that it's hard for him.

  2. It's one's business but yours. Maybe your Hubs friend wishes he didn't have to work

    1. I agree. And telling someone who can't (and wants to) work that they need to get a job is a bit rude, to me.

  3. As a woman who was an at home wife part of my marriage (no kids /kids grown) there is a group of people who think that working is the only way to contribute to a family, be fulfilled or whatever. Unfortunately you probably cannot change their opinion.

    1. Very true. I really don't care what his opinion of our situation/choices are, but I would keep my opinions to myself. When I was texting my DD while it was happening she smarted back "well, he needs to get his kids in line" LOL. He certainly does, but it's not something I would say to him.

  4. I have the same type comment to me about getting a job.Then, they think I have arthritis because walking is difficult. Clueless, ignorant, and just do not listen and remember. I have the same people who buy me supplements for arthritis all the time and suggest all sorts of remedies. sigh It does hurt my feelings. At least he has you and you understand.

    1. oh, been there on all the "cures" from well meaning people. One was "special" water LOL. Ya, that one really worked, haha. Vitamins, shakes, etc. Everyone has their opinion on how it should be fixed.

  5. I have a slightly different take on this - the guy sounds jealous, as if HIS self-worth is tied to working, so he's threatened by someone who is different. I also think he might have a problem with your husband and his wife talking, perhaps there's some background there or he's just insecure, but that's what jumps out to me.

    1. that very well could be. I know one time, when he was telling us his problems with her (he's a talker) he mentioned that he can't joke or tease her, or she gets mad at him. (but if that's how he jokes/teases I can see why she would be upset)So, maybe he doesn't like DH and her flipping each other crap on FB about the weather. DH and I tease each other all the time, especially on FB. One time DH took a break from FB for a month or so. I don't know how many people asked me about it and said they missed laughing at our "conversations". It's possible that he sees that we can live on one income and they both have to work. I know what they both make (he's a talker, LOL) but I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what I make, unless DH has told him, which I doubt. I make just a bit more than the couple combined. But they also have two kids still raising, lots of debt and expenses that we don't have. We don't have a camper trailer we're making payments on to use a handful of times in the summer, etc. I think DH is over it, for the most part now. But it did really hurt his feelings, since he's been open with his friend about how he feels not being able to work anymore.

  6. That comment could be the kind of comment I would make and absolutely not mean it in a mean kind of way. I tease a lot and admittedly sometimes don't think how it might be received. As you know, I live in France and did have a problem with that kind of thing until people got to know me better. Being charitable, it might be that his friend is a bit tactless - and of course your hubs is sensitive too. I know when my ex was out of work and I was working he was extremely sensitive. As for the taking holidays, I hear ya. When I worked in HR I almost hated to take leave because it would all be sitting there waiting for me when I got back. Thankfully I got out of HR 4 years ago. And yuck on the snow! I live at just a slightly lower altitude than you so I am dreading it on the roads. Anna

    1. I think it might be his way of trying to tease. As I mentioned in a comment above he once said he can't tease his wife, or she gets mad. I think his way of teasing might be a bit tactless, so then she gets upset. I loved the snow, but then again I don't have to drive in it. Otherwise, I'm sure I wouldn't be too excited to see it already.

  7. Meh. Ax a college educated SAHM, who intends to stay at home long after the nest is empty, I received comments like that all the time--even worse. But, we didn't build our lifestyle by following others' plans for us. That's where the trouble starts.

    1. Nor are we, but that doesn't negate that we can sometimes get our feelings hurt by those close to us, especially when they are fully aware of the circumstances. It really wasn't our "choice" for DH not to work. Life happened and we deal with it as best we can.

  8. There is a kind of joking/kidding that is called "kidding/joking on the square." That is where the joker is serious with the comment but tries to make it all look like they comment is just a joke, not serious. That is probably how this guy works. Or, he takes her insecurities and makes them into a joke. I have known people who "joke" like that.

    1. I know exactly what you are talking about, I just never heard the phrase for it (learn something new every day!).

  9. What is it with people these days! I was recently subject of some conversations of my old football group and some of it was NOT kind. I'm sorry if I am choosing to NOT be in the same vicinity of the man that lied and broke my heart. Do I really want to watch him with the woman that he is dating that by the way not a single person in the group gets it.

    1. Oh... and by the way - you just do what you need to do.

    2. Thanks! I just think it was especially hurtful to DH because he's such good friends with the guy and has shared with him his medical issues as well as how hard it's been for him to not be able to work and feel like he is contributing. I guess I've never been the type of person to comment to others about what they are doing or why.

  10. Life happened and we deal with it as best we can.

