Sunday, October 22, 2017

Weekend wrap up

It's been a pretty uneventful couple of days around here. The week ended and we were very disappointed to not hear from our builder, as he said he would get a hold of DH this week about meeting to discuss our property and questions DH has. Very disappointed.

DH's dad had some surgery on Friday. I always forget what the surgery is called. This time it's on his other leg and supposed to help with his heart/circulation, I think. This time went much better than the first (though I guess he did have to have a blood transfusion during surgery) and he was able to go home yesterday (last time he had complications and had to stay several more days). DH talked to him last night and he seemed to be doing quite well. DH's sister asked if we would chip in for a new recliner for them for Christmas, as the handle on the old one they have is broke. She'd like to get them one that has the motor to help rise the seat to get out of. I think that sounds great. I'm sure our share (split 3 ways) will be more than I planned to spend, but my online earnings can help go toward the extra.

Yesterday we finally touched up the holes around the windows in my office room. There were holes in the window trim from the previous blinds I took down. There were also holes in the wall above the window, where they must have had a different window treatment at one time. Plus some holes in the smaller window wall. There was also some touch up needed in the laundry room wall above the washer and dryer and fill/touch up some holes in the bathrooms where we had moved the mirrors up to install some shelves below the mirrors. DH also painted the front board of our wood step outside the back sliding door.

I got caught up watching Outlander and watched a few episodes of This is Us on my ipad.

We decided to treat ourselves and go out to dinner last night at our new favorite place in the next town over (30 miles LOL). I had the grilled salmon again. The drive was so pretty with all the Fall colors. I never order a beverage and we got smart from the last time. My meal comes with salad bar, DH's doesn't but he always orders one. We didn't realize when I ordered the salmon last time it came with salad bar, so this time he didn't order it and he ate the salad with my meal. Saved a few bucks!

It was pouring rain when we got up this morning. I made some blueberry muffins for breakfast and we've just been taking it easy today. I gave DH a hair cut and now the sun is out a bit. I downloaded a book to read (from library) but after getting started on it I realize I've already read it before. All the other books I tried to download/borrow are on a wait list, so now I again have nothing to read. I'll have to go back online and see what I can find.


  1. I need and wanted one of those lift chairs. Then, I tried one at several places. It is like sitting on a chair on a box. My feet dangled, making it very uncomfortable for my knees and back. Then, when I turned it on to tilt me up to get out, the tilt was scary. I felt like I was being dumped out of the chair. When my sinuses act up, I am dizzy often and wonder if I could stay on my feet and not just tip right over. When you are lifted to rising position, at some point, you have to reach your feet to the floor. It is frightening to me. And, I am young and in not so bad shape right now. This was for the future when I have surgery on knees and back. Has he ever tried one? Have you observed how he handles this rising and dumping him out when he has yet to put his feet on the floor.

    1. I really have no idea :( He lives in another state and my SIL is the one handling the purchase. Hopefully whatever she decides to get for him will be helpful. My parents used to have one of those chairs (my dad used to need it when he was alive) and I think it worked good for him.

  2. My FIL had one and now my MIL uses it. The chair has been extremely helpful and equally so for their caregivers. If your FIL gets to where he needs extra help getting up, I'd also suggest getting a gait belt (they are super inexpensive) as this will help with safety...once a nurse, always a nurse!

    1. thanks for the suggestion. I will mention that to my SIL.

  3. Have you observed how he handles this rising and dumping him out when he has yet to put his feet on the floor.

