Friday, October 6, 2017

This that and the other

Tuesday was our one year anniversary since moving out of and away from our hell hole old neighborhood. What a great year, for the most part, it has been. Aside from our crappy renter neighbor, we love everything else about this place/town/county/state.

Now that we've completed a full year, I was happy to look back and think of the things we have to look forward to again in the coming year. The huge annual flea market in the next town over, the car show in June, the fair and rodeo (I loved the rodeo) here in town in August. The drives and hikes we took in Spring and early Summer. Oh and don't forget the snow and cold weather! LOL

DH accidentally came across interesting news article that was in his Facebook feed last night. The man that our son was working for/living at/associating with for about a year and a half (this was starting 3 years ago) has been arrested for embezzling a bunch of money. Not surprising at all and nice to see Karma at work, eh? He's potentially looking at up to 20 years in jail. The lady who was actually the bookkeeper for the company they embezzled from already plead guilty and said this guy was the mastermind behind the scheme and she was writing checks to him that he was cashing and depositing to his account and apparently sharing with her. He plead not guilty and is going to trial at some point. When our son first got involved with this smarmy guy he was warned by someone who knew of him to stay away from him, that he was shady. This guy was absolutely not a good influence on our son, obviously, and I'm sure had a lot to do with where he has gone with his life (drugs, lying, etc). But, ultimately our son is a grown man and his life decisions are all on him.  Just good to see that lowlife will hopefully get what's coming to him. (but from what I've seen of the justice system, it also won't surprise me if he gets off scott free, either).

 DH met out at our property yesterday with a guy from the power co-op company. He gave him some good ideas/options for installing power. We need 400 amp power at the main box because half is going to the house and half to the shop. I think he's got a good idea how he wants to do it now, without needing to put (i.e. hide) the box by building it in the gate pier. Cost will be a couple hundred dollars more, but overall work will be less involved and the piers can go back to his original 2ft width size.

He took the dogs with him to the property. I don't know what it is about there, but they just go nuts, especially the older dog who is usually pretty calm (i.e. lazy). They ran and ran, barked, just zoomed everywhere the whole time he was there. The younger dog rarely barks and as DH was pulling into the road our property is on, he did his rare "I'm excited" bark. He has two barks. One is his really scary sounding watch dog bark (which he got lots of use at our old neighborhood with all the druggies around) and his excited "arf" bark which is only when he's super excited, like when DD comes to visit, LOL. We don't even get the bark when we come home after leaving for a few hours.

I really needed a few items I did not buy when we went grocery shopping, because I know they are cheaper at Walmart then the grocery chain store we shopped at. I don't know what the heck is up with their online prices but wow. I'm really having to watch and be careful and not just  hit "re-order". Here's an example of one of the prices yesterday!

Really?!! This one is obviously ridiculous, but there are some others that aren't quite as noticeable but still like 50-100% higher than normal. Other items are priced as they always have been (ie low). I hope they fix whatever is causing this issue soon. I really liked being able to order online at reasonable prices.


  1. I was just on Walmart's site and noticed the same thing. Huge markups. Needless to say, I only bought the items I knew were the same as in the store.

    1. it's a good thing we know our prices, right? Geez. I guess it's back to Amazon shopping

  2. Yes, I noticed the higher prices for some of Walmart's online items as well. My guess is that they were losing money on the "Free shipping for orders of $35 or more". So the higher prices are not going to be "fixed". They are the price that consumers will pay for "free shipping".

    1. I noticed a couple of times recently that I would get like a $1 off your order if I didn't choose 2 day shipping. I wasn't in a hurry so I did that. But, I'm not paying these prices just to get free shipping

  3. I don't ever order from Walmart but now I am going to have to go to their site just to see what is going on.

    1. I could see raising a small percentage to cover the free shipping, but I'm not paying double for some of my regular items

  4. I looked and all the other Milano varieties are $3.83. ??? There is a place to comment in blue letters on the left hand side of the page. Some people have found that the exorbitantly higher price is for a pack of six or twelve, depending on the purchase. I have heard that WM does respond. You may be ordering a six pack of cookies.

    1. I was looking for somewhere to comment - thanks for the info! Even $3.83 is too high. I think in-store WM price is usually $2.50 to $3.00. I actually haven't ordered the cookies again, as they seemed to not package them in the box well enough and they ended up broken (same with taco shells), so I've been avoiding ordering those kinds of items. Trial and error, LOL
