Friday, April 29, 2016


Found out some disturbing news yesterday afternoon. The guy who got arrested at the renter's house last week isn't who we thought got arrested. This guy was much worse. He is a felon, who had spent prison time (and certainly not near enough time!) for pulling a gun on a Walmart security guard, a little over a year ago. I'm not sure why/how the sheriff tracked him down at renter's to be arrested, but sounds like he had a warrant, most likely for violating his probation. VERY scary to know that someone that dangerous was staying at renter's place. DH had a quick conversation with landlord neighbor yesterday, who still says he is waiting to get his rent check from them any day and then he will be giving them a 3 day eviction notice.  If this does indeed happen things could get interesting around here for a bit. I'm sure they will not go quietly, that's for sure. And I'm sure they will blame everyone (including us) except themselves. We'll have to be on high alert if this happens. DH has already told our neighborhood deputy what might transpire.

Sad, one of my friends, who lives right downtown in a neighboring bigger city, just posted on Facebook that her nice little sidewalk/tree lined side street has become a drug dealing drive-thru street. She lives in a really nice apartment building with a nice view of the city and watched 3 drug deals in 10 minutes go down. Welcome to my world! I know she has been planning to move back to suburbia this summer/fall, but the sad part is it's out here too.  At least the residents in our unincorporated county just voted down allowing pot shops to open up in our area. I was kind of surprised the No votes actually won. The Yes folk (paid for by current pot shops that are actually operating illegally in the county) were sure pushing it.  Ad's and mailers from a state rep, who was a narcotics LEO for years - supporting it.  A first grade teacher, supporting it, in the ads! Just blew my mind. I cannot wait to get out of here.

On tap for today, since I only worked a half day, is meeting up with my Mom at Best Buy to pick her out a new computer (finally!) and then back to her house to set it up for her. She's so cute - she was like "do I need to bring anything with me? like my modem or anything for them to set it up?". I said "No, that won't work. They can't set up your internet connection from the store. I'll go back to your house and get it all set up for you."  I know the headache of all this will be trying to load up all her favorites and her trying to find all her log-in's and passwords on all her tiny little slips of paper!  If I end up staying with her for awhile, while we are building our home, I am going to re-do all those into one place/piece of paper! Drives me insane, every time I got over there and have to deal with it.

Hopefully it all won't take me too long and I'll still have some afternoon left to go find myself some new pj's (for my girl's weekend tomorrow) and a smaller overnight travel bag. I really don't want to take a full sized suit case, for just one night of stuff. Hopefully I can find something cheap at Ross or Walmart. I also just realized I need to swing by a store real quick on my way to meet her and get her a birthday present! It's in a few days. I think I'll just get her a Starbucks gift card and a card.

Hope everyone has a great weekend :)


  1. Have a good time on your trip! You deserve it....

  2. That's awful about the felon living so near you! Can you please tell me what part of the country you are in that has all this out-in-the open drug-dealing going on? I know drugs are everywhere, but I am hoping to move out of my area (central California)for a better place someday soon, and want to steer clear of that culture as best I can.
