Sunday, April 24, 2016

Need more weekend

We are having the photos of our home done tomorrow and the listing will go live Wednesday or Thursday. I took some things to Goodwill yesterday morning. The main thing I got rid of, hogging up space in our house, was an old student sized desk. DD had a twin sized comforter (in the plastic bag they come in) under her bed and she doesn't want it anymore, so I took that too, as well as a bag of stuff I had been adding to in my closet.

We took off all the window screens, many of them getting old and ratty looking. DH washed the outside windows and I did the inside. Oh my! what a difference to look out the (bottom) portion of the windows and just see clear glass. Looks so much better (not to mention they are clean now, haha). We bought DH the pallet jack he's been wanting. Making it much easier for him to move the stuff around the garage (and when it will be time to load to move). He has put all the crates he's packed so far on pallets and shrink wrapped. All nice and organized. To make the overfilled garage/shop look a little less crowded, we have moved my car out to park in front of the garage. He was then able to put our old t-bird, that has been literally stuffed in the back corner, sideways, to where my car parked and then put the pallets back in that corner. It has made it all look a little less crowded.

The foreclosed house that has been being fixed up (ie flipped) just went on the market, for $400k. There is an open house today. They fixed it up pretty nice, which is a big help to this neighborhood, that's for sure. They bought it 2 months ago for $240k. I know they pretty much had to re-do the entire insides, because of all the druggies/homeless damage that was done to it. They painted the outside and fixed up the yard. Most of all the flooring and walls got ruined because they left water running inside and it flooded and no one there. I'm not sure how, but the guy on the other side realized something was wrong and discovered the water on, but of course it had ruined everything and the bank didn't do anything, just let it sit there and continue to rot for another couple of years.

DD and her BF got the new car. They did get a good deal on it and she got a decent trade in on her broken car (the dealer is in a small town nearby and a good family friend of BF's). It's a super nice car, completely loaded, and very grown up (a 4 door sedan). It's a 2014, but still brand new. It was their decision, it's not costing me anything and hey, I get to save a little money by dropping her car off my insurance. I gave her all my advice on it before, the decisions she makes are up to her. And it's certainly not my place to tell her BF what to do with his money.

She had a phone interview, for a job, on Friday. She had been emailing with the company's HR guy a few times the past couple of months. He's also an alumni from her school and had just hired a winter graduate from their school. Another job just opened up last week and she emailed him about it. She graduates in 7 weeks, plus with classes only 2 days a week, she could work 2-3 days a week to start.  Right after she got an email from the dept. head, wanting to do the phone interview the next day. She thought it went well (there were 2 on the phone doing the interview) and at the end had asked what their time frame is for letting her know more, and he said she was their first interview, so it might be awhile. Then 2 hours later he emailed back and wants her to come in for an in-person interview in 2 weeks! She is so excited. Plus, the company is right next door to where her BF works, so would be super convenient for car pooling.

On tap today - just more house cleaning.

1 comment:

  1. There is really just never enough time to get everything done!
