Friday, April 15, 2016

Snacks anyone?

Does anyone else have this problem in their house - where the kitchen is full of stuff to eat, but the residents complain there is nothing to eat?! I have that issue with my DH about snacks. Most evenings he wants a snack and inevitably what I have on hand he doesn't want. I usually have several different chips available, a couple kind of cookies, and ice cream. There are also granola bars, popcorn, peanuts, pudding snacks, etc - none of which he likes. I usually buy some donut holes, but those don't last long. So, what is left to get to have on hand?! I need some ideas. The past month I got lucky with a box of corndogs I bought, but now he's tired of those. If I buy fruit or veggies, most of it ends up spoiling.


  1. Well if he doesn't like what you buy just put the $ for snacks aside and hand him some of that stash and tell him to go buy what he wants when he wants it. lol
    Since the kids are gone I try not to keep snacks around so I got nothing for ya, sorry. ;-)

  2. My dh likes to ask about a "special snack" in the evenings. I tell him I took care of breakfast, lunch, and dinner so he can go looking for his snack. At times I will pop popcorn on the stovetop or bake a desert but he is a grown man and knows what he wants so he can find food himself. Cheryl

    1. I like that reply! I usually try to bake a dessert once a week or so, but just haven't had time lately.

  3. With the wide variety of snacks you keep on hand, maybe the problem is boredom. I know it happens to me :)

    1. yep, it's all the same stuff and he's most likely tired of it

  4. I buy the frozen pretzels once in a while. Just pop them in the oven for a few minutes and sprinkle some salt if you'd like on them. Viola! A tad expensive but keeps boredom at bay.
    Kathi in Florida

    1. those sound good - I'll pick some of those up to have. Good, especially because they are frozen and will keep.

  5. Why don't you just ask him what he wants you to buy before you go shopping?
