Monday, April 4, 2016

Ready for the week ahead

While I was running around Saturday, looking for spray paint, I noticed one of the stores that has a nice garden center had some "wave petunias" in. I used those last year in my hanging baskets and in the wishing well. I don't normally plant my annual flowers until mid-May, sometimes even Memorial Day weekend, if I'm really lazy. But, with the pending home sale, I need to get these planted as soon as they are available and so I was really happy to see they are! I didn't go inside the garden center, so I wasn't sure if the rest of what I normally plant (regular petunias, alyssum, lobelia, marigolds) would also be in yet. I decided to go back Sunday morning, first thing, when it wasn't so crowded.

They had all the flowers in stock, so I did my estimate (I usually buy too much) and loaded up my cart. $119, including a big bag of potting soil. That's about what I spent last year too. It was sunny and 70 again yesterday, so perfect day for planting them all. DH was working on the lighting for his trailer, so thank goodness! He decided to help me last year (first time ever) and had to tell me how to plant every flower LOL. While all the planting is excruciating on my back, I still enjoy the process. I cannot stand to wear garden gloves. Gotta feel that dirt :)

I got all the front planters and baskets filled, and the two baskets that hang on the back arbor. I was short 3 petunias for the last window box. So close! But I still have a few other containers for the back that need to be planted with flowers, so I will get the rest on another trip later this week. Hopefully the flowers will start filling out some, by the time we list the house for sale. I see the trees are starting to see leaf buds and hopefully those will be filled out too.The clematis on my front arbor has turned all green and leafy in just a matter of a couple of weeks, and looks like it will be flowering soon. Plus, since it got to grow last summer, it's already up to the top of the arbor.

My trips on Saturday to pick up supplies for repair stuff came to $139, but DH passed on his monthly "allowance" of $140 this month, so it didn't end up being extra that came out of my budget. Plus we saved a bunch just painting the range hood, instead of buying a new one.

We are still waiting to hear back from the builder to nail down the cost to build a house. He left a message on Friday that he was still waiting on a couple of estimates from subs, and would call Sunday afternoon/evening, but he didn't call, so he must not have gotten all he needed yet. I'm sure we'll hear something back this week. In the meantime I keep watching zillow to see any new houses that go on the market, in case we see something we really like. There hasn't been much new added and nothing of what we are looking for.

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