Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Just getting through the week so far

I have a little extra time to write this morning, as I am ending up working from home. There is a major traffic accident where all lanes of the freeway are blocked. My boss emailed me an hour ago, that she was stuck in it and apparently she still is.

My 10 year anniversary came and went at work with not even a congrats. Hmphf! I'm sure it will get recognized at some point, when boss is looking at the anniversary/birthday report for something else. But, I guess it just tells me that obviously nothing big was planned as a bonus/gift (as previous employees received), or I'm sure it would have been acknowledged.

Tonight is our long awaited meeting at the other drug neighborhood near us, with the head sheriff. I think the head prosecutor might be coming too. We tried to get our state reps to attend, but they said they couldn't. If our good neighbor does not come with us, I am going to be so mad. He has absolutely no excuse to not be there and show some support for us and trying to fix this problem. Unfortunately our councilman cannot be there as he has another meeting to attend. I'm sure head sheriff will just say a bunch of crap to make us all feel like something will be done. At least the weather will be nice and we all won't be standing out in the rain.

In the meantime, there was some "disturbance" going on at then end of our street yesterday during the day. A car in, another car raced in. A guy on foot ran in. Lots of commotion and then the car (this is the SAME car that DH followed that night a few weeks ago and called 911) raced out. A minute later one of the young guys that lives in the neighborhood (he and his mom are both involved in all this drug activity) was walking out and DH was outside so he said "hey, what's the name of that guy in the white car?"  Kid stopped and told him - his mom's "ex", was his step dad. They don't want him around, etc. DH says, so why don't you call the sheriff? and kid (he's 19 or 20 years old) says "we're the type of people that shoot first, then call the cops" Then he says he took care of it by pulling a knife on the guy and pulls the knife out of his pocket to show DH.

DH was texting the guy over in the nearby neighborhood about it and he was like "man, I would of just shot him right there! you should have called the sheriff"  DH said there is no point in calling them. We've called on stuff like this before and when they finally get here, they make us feel like we are just being stupid and just stay away from them, even though we are on our own property. Apparently we are just supposed to stay holed up in our house all day.

DD had her first (long day) of classes yesterday and thinks it all went well, other then she forgot to bring a pen with her and had to go buy one at the bookstore. She made a new friend already of a girl that is in 2 of her classes. Today she has off, so will get to spend it in her quiet apartment, with no annoying roommate and get her studying done :)  Her BF had a job interview yesterday for a different position within his company. If he gets it he will have to move about 60 miles from here (unless he wants to drive 2 hours each way to and from work - ha!). He is really hoping he gets it. It would be more money and a step up.

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