Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It's kind of quiet

It hit me yesterday while at work. This meeting we went to with the head sheriff and other law enforcement....wouldn't you think a meeting specifically about drug dealing/drug using would have some representation there by the Narcotics unit?? Nope!  Apparently our issue it too small for them to want to bother with and the only reason the bust happened last December was because that department Lt. did it as a favor to the guy who was Lieutenant of our precinct at that time.

So, it's too small of problem for Narcotics and too big of problem for the regular deputies. Ridiculous. I told DH that NO ONE better EVER refer me to report any of this to the Narcotics unit ever again! If I had a dollar for every time I have been told, by dispatchers, the desk Sergeant at the precinct and by deputies, to report it to Narcotics, I'd have enough money to get out of this place. The dispatchers are the worst - they don't want to dispatch and just always say that we need to report it to Narcotics. I always say "I do - sometimes daily - for months and months, now going into years."  No more. The next time I hear that, they are going to get an earful. The link to reporting online has been on my toolbar for quick access for almost 2 years now. I removed it.

Our bulldog councilman went and had a meeting with the head county prosecutor yesterday. He will be working on the issue too, but of course blamed most of it on the judges. They also will apparently be trying to use a law on the books for our state....Use of buildings for unlawful drugs, where property owners, landlords, etc cannot use buildings for anything related to illegal drugs. Even if they suspect it is going on they are required by law to report it. Failure to comply or knowing that it is going on and not doing anything about it is a class C felony (punishable up to 5 years in jail). It sounds like they might start threatening that to our neighbor who owns the rental place on our street and the parents who own the home of the drug dealers behind us.

It turns out that the Sergeant that was at this meeting is a neighbor of DD's boyfriend and he knows him pretty well. He called him up yesterday and talked with him a bit. He told him he is at our house often and sees all this for himself.  Sgt. said "yes, those were real good people and their neighborhood is a mess". The Sgt. very frustrated because in the past several years their hands are so tied now for stopping people and doing searches.

It's been fairly quiet this week, a nice break. Two of the 3 guys in the drug house behind us are in jail, at least for a couple more weeks, so it's just the youngest of the 3 left to hold the fort and deal.  The people on our street have been laying pretty low. Our guess is landlord has been griping at them a bit, along with they saw the county cars out here last week, nosing around. In addition to the fact that the youngest is apparently in drug rehab. It's all just temporary quiet, but it's nice anyway.  Other than I couldn't stop and get our mail from our mailbox yesterday because some tweeker was sitting on the ground in front of them.


  1. Citizens get the idea that they just have to report these things concerning drugs just one time and all will be taken care of immediately, and that authorities are glad to get this help. Apparently, not so. I suspect the same is true of child abuse reportings.

    1. I reported car descriptions and license plate #'s, names and addresses of the neighbors selling, etc constantly to no avail. My guess is that whoever was reading through the reports figured "oh, I already passed on this address/issue" and didn't keep giving the detectives my constant reports to know it was a daily problem.

  2. Hi Jean - DH (along with our councilman) just did an interview last week on a local county tv show about this issue. It should be airing soon. Our councilman is working every angle possible at this point.
