Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekend update

I had such a great weekend with DD. Too short of time, but we got all out of it what we could.  It's a little over a 2 hour drive, so I arrived at her dorm just before 10:30. The place on campus she wanted to get coffee and bagels didn't open until 11 (probably because college kids sleep in on weekends!) so we went and loaded a couple of bags of her things back in my car that she wants left at home. Stuff she doesn't use and less to bring home in 7 weeks. Then we walked over to the bagel/coffee shop, which is inside the library and waited a few minutes for them to open up.

After that we got back in my car and drove the few minutes to nearby area of "old town" that is full of cute stores and restaurants. Did a bunch of window shopping and then had lunch at a sandwich shop and a little more walking through some stores. Then we headed up the road a mile or so to go look at the apartment complex she is hoping to get in next Fall. She had found out last week that a 3 bedroom unit was vacated and will be available for viewing next week and wanted to stop in and make that appointment and just show me the complex. The lady offered to let us view the unit being cleaned so we got to see inside, which was really nice. There is a bus stop outside the complex and a bus to campus comes by every 15 minutes (bus pass is included in tuition) so DD will use that and not pay for a campus parking pass next year.

Then we stopped at REI as DD wanted a new jacket to replace The North Face jacket she lost (or someone took it) last Fall. Her boyfriend sold her old laptop for $100 so she used that money to buy the jacket. By then it was time to check into our hotel. It was a much nicer place than the place I stayed at the last couple of times. Our room had a king size bed with a nice duvet, soft towels and a whirlpool jetted big tub. We chilled a bit and then decided to go to a movie before dinner and have a later dinner.

We saw Age of Adeline. It was a really good movie and we both really enjoyed it. Then we drove to the waterfront and had dinner at a restaurant. The food was good but the atmosphere was really noisy. I think I would have preferred something a little more relaxed. It was supposed to rain all weekend but all day had been nice and sunny! After dinner we took a long walk along the waterfront and watched the sunset. Back at the hotel we each took our turn taking a nice whirlpool bath. I want a tub like that!

The hotel was nice and quiet and I actually got a decent nights sleep. There was some noise from the hall and doors shutting, people talking, but nothing until about 8am. All night was very quiet - complete opposite of the other place I stayed. The hotel had a good breakfast spread. Omelets, waffles, etc and we filled ourselves up. Nothing much opened until 11am, so we went and got mocha's from a coffee stand and then stopped at Pier One Imports just to look around.  Then we saw a touchless car wash and DD mentioned she wanted to try using that with her car and I said we have a new one near home but I've never used a car wash and was too nervous to try it by myself. So we turned around and decided to give it a try - so we'd both know how it worked. It was hilarious and we laughed and giggled trying to figure out what we were supposed to be doing. But I ended up with a clean car for $10. Then we went back to the "Old Town" area where the day prior we had been inside a cute shop where you could pain pottery and had decided to come back Sunday and do that. Very fun and relaxing! She painted a vase and I painted a napkin holder. She gets to pick them up at the end of this week. Her's will probably look fabulous and mine will probably look like a 5 year old painted it - haha!

I still had a bit of time to kill before I wanted to head home, so we went and took another long walk on the waterfront. It was the perfect mother-daughter weekend. I wish I would have taken pictures. Traffic was good going home (unusual) and I got home by 4pm and some time to relax before Monday arrived.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful Mother/Daughter outing. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. a perfect weekend and a memory to cherish for the rest of your lives.
