Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Moms and daughters

In the midst of replying to comments from my last post and drafting a very long email to my mom (she can't seem to listen and remember, but maybe in writing she can read and re-read to get the message I keep trying to convey), I got this message from my daughter:

As a daughter, I couldn't imagine feeling like your mom doesn't listen to you, doesn't support your side, doesn't try to help in a messed up situation. When I am confused and angry and upset you are the first person I go to, I look to your guidance knowing that you'll not just take my side because you're my mom, but you'll give me the best advice whether I am right or wrong on how to move forward. Forever thankful for my relationship with you and that it will never change. I hope you know how much I look up to you and value our relationship. Just wanted you to know how much I love you and I can't wait to see you this weekend

Boy, did I ever need to hear something like that today! I hope I never ever let her down, like mine has let me down this past year.


  1. oh, that is just so sweet. That is what a healthy mother and daughter relationship should be like.

  2. Your daughter is a sweetheart.
    Just remember the golden email rule, sleep on it before you press send.

    1. You are definitely right and I am sleeping on it for sure. That is also a rule I try to follow! Thanks for the reminder and comment!

  3. What a sweet and kind young lady! I don't have kids. If I had, I would have liked them to be like your daughter. Her message brought tears to my eyes.

    1. T'Pol - it made me cry too! We have this connection that amazes me sometimes. We might have gone all day (but usually it's just hours, haha) without communicating and suddenly we are both sending each other a text message at exactly the same moment :)
