Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Weekend spending and other stuff

While visiting DD over the weekend I spent the following (not counting the hotel room):

Lunch: $9 (we split a sandwich, since we had bagels a couple hours earlier)
Movie: $5 (DD had gift card to use up. This was what was out of pocket after tickets and a soda and raisinettes to share
Dinner $45 (including tax and tip)
Coffee: $9
Car Wash: $10
Ibuprofen from Walgreens: $4 (my back started hurting a bit Sunday morning and I hadn't brought any with me :/)
Pottery Painting fun: $50

Total $132. But - because I have been keeping track of my grocery/misc and gas spending in a spreadsheet I knew that I still had $134 left in my grocery/misc budget! I had already done all my shopping for the week and no more was going out before I get paid again on the 15th. Woo! Nice to spend that and not have to have it come out of my savings.

I've been coming under budget in gas, but with the fill up to drive to see her I was going to go over my gas budget because I was going to have to fill up this morning before going to work. But, I got an email from my boss yesterday morning that I could work from home if I wanted. There will be virtually no parking spaces available at the office, due to an event being held for customers. Since I didn't get the dog to get his nails trimmed last Friday, I took a lunch break and ran him over to get it done. He's such a neurotic dog. Whines and cries all the way there (a whole 2 mile drive). It's quite pathetic. Then he is a perfect gentleman while they grind away and on the way home he's happy and smiling and not a peep out of him. I decided to fill up with gas (I don't like having an empty tank if an emergency came up and we needed to use the car right away) and I had a .10 cents gas rewards to use, so I ended up over on my gas budget this budget period.

In another "money issue". I have been getting collection notices in the mail addressed to DS. He apparently stopped using his bank account here, but overdrew it, and owes the bank about $30. They probably can't get a hold of him via phone because he got a new #. Our family friend is also getting notices for a different account (same bank) that he opened to try and establish a business here in the States, so he could earn money doing web design when he was in Canada. He used friends address at the time because he wasn't communicating with us. We have no address for him and now no phone # for him, so I just sent him an email yesterday morning alerting him to the notices we are getting and asked him what he'd like me to do with them. No reply as of yet. I'm sure he'll just ignore it, like everything else.

DD dropped the chemistry class.  Too late to get a full refund (figured that) but she at least got a 50% refund on the class. One of the classes in the new degree program is an internship for credit. Much less hours required to fulfill  (800 hours total needed with the other program and no credit), so if she can find an internship this summer she can earn 4 or 5 credits over the summer and that kind of makes up for the lost credits of the class she just dropped (and not extend her time to graduate), so she'll still finish this year with the same # of credits under her belt. Then she went online and changed majors. Just as easy as that! I think she is really relieved now.Like I told her - with a minor instead of a major, she'll probably end up with same type of job when she graduates, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. glad she got her classes sorted out. I will be over on my grocery budget this month, but no surprise there with all the over the counter meds I have bought this month.
