Monday, November 4, 2013

She's in!

DD got her acceptance letter from the university she wants to attend! She was so excited Friday evening when she got an email to her phone that said "You're In". Then in Saturday's mail came the "fat packet" with more info.  She only applied to one college - it's the only place she really really wants to go. Not that I had any doubt she would get accepted, it's "just" one of the state universities, not like she's trying to apply to Harvard or something. But, I didn't realize she really only had not much better than a one in four shot at getting accepted. The congratulations letter with the packet said they have 2800 freshman spots and get approximately 10,000 freshman applications.

She applied the first day she could and with getting her acceptance on the first day they went out, she should also have a good shot at getting into the dorm of her preference. At least I've got until next September before I have to start crying :)


  1. Tell her well done, it will be an exciting time coming up for all, plus a few tears by mom!!!

  2. LOL it's great when they get accepted to the college of their dreams. Tell your daughter congrats on a job well done. Must be a top ranking state uni if that is the ratio of applications to acceptances. What is her major? And yes you will cry when you drop her off for the first time but tell yourself that this is what life is all about ~ moving forward.

  3. Congrats to DD for getting into the school she wants!
    I hope it's smooth sailing now for her and her dreams. 8-)

  4. Wow! Congratulations to your daughter!!
