Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2, 4, 6, 8

It's time to face reality............I am no longer a size 6. I've fought it as long as I can, but tight jeans and a muffin top are not working for me. Turning 50 blows! I wear jeans every day and have about 4 pair that are size 6 (I finally got rid of my size 4's last year that were in my drawer for years). Now, I have 2 size 6 jeans that I just don't even try to wear anymore, they are just too tight and not comfortable. The other 2 pair aren't too bad, but tight enough that they make me look like I now have a muffin top.  Up until about 8 years ago I was around a size 2 or 4 - since I was a teenager. I had a rock hard stomach. Then I got in the car accident and I think between that and hitting my 40's the weight has gradually added on. After the car accident I didn't do any exercising at all - it just hurt my back and neck too much. So, I went up to a size 6. I've been ok with that, being in my late 40's.

But, last week I finally faced the truth - I need a size 8. Crap. I went to Ross and found a pair of size 8 in the brand I like. They fit nice, my stomach doesn't hang over the sides anymore. I guess I'm a size 8 now.....


  1. Welcome to middle age.....lol
    Cheer up, it could be worse. 8-))

  2. I would take size 6 any day right now :) My jeans are size 10 ever since I had a second kid... It's been a while since I was size 2!

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I was a 4 for most of my life until about 37 then I had a brief stint at 6 and now I am a solid 8. Now that I am cruising into menopause I hope I dont have to go to a 10. I buy all of my pants at the Goodwill so at least they are #1 cheap and #2 have already been washed a number of times so there is no surprise shrinkage like many new jeans after you wash them.

  4. There are worse things in life than being a size.8. ;) A well fitting, nice pair of jeans is a good thing!! Be happy!!

  5. It is what it is - learn to just accept the fact that your metabolism slows down as you age. Seriously. It happens. It's nothing compared to women who are dealing with............well, cancer, or a life-threatening/altering illness. If you really wanted to do something about it, you would. But it's definitely not the end of the world! ;-)

  6. Yeah getting old sucks, I've been a size 8 for years.
