Sunday, September 22, 2013

Floors and shoes

It was a busy day yesterday. DD and I got up early and went out to breakfast and then ran a bunch of quick errands, the last being picking up a rented carpet steam cleaner. Long over due for cleaning the carpets! I had hoped to be able to rent the "wide" machine, but they only had one of the regular ones left. It got the carpet cleaner, but didn't really do that great of job on my tough traffic areas (I used a pre-treatment spray) or my bad spots. But, it does look better than it did before.  Lot's of dirty water poured out! Even with DD's help moving furniture and shampooing 2 of the rooms, I'm still pretty worn out as far as my back goes.  With 2 dogs, I should probably do that chore more often.....

I need a new pair of tennis shoes! I HATE shoe shopping. It probably goes back to since I can remember going shoe shopping with my mom. I have narrow feet and 40-ish years ago I think there was even less selection of narrow shoes than there are now. I never got to get shoes like all my friends had for new school shoes because they didn't have narrow. We always had to go to Nordstrom, which at the time was about the only place when I was little that carried narrow and even then it wasn't much choice. I always ended up crying because I got some ugly shoe I didn't want.

Tennis shoes, I'm ok with regular width and socks, but I still have a hard time finding something I actually like. I am so picky. I don't like all the new bright color combinations and I don't like the thick soles so many have now. I have an old pair of Reebok's that I use for doing stuff around the house and outside, but they are done for...they have this velcro strap that criss-crosses and the velcro is just worn out. I've probably had them 10 years now. They are really comfortable (and dirty!) but just won't stay strapped anymore and now I really need a pair I can wear for doing work around the house/yard. I don't have a "good" pair I can delegate to this job. I have one "good" pair and I can barely wear them - they are Sketchers and just not very comfortable at all, but I do wear them to work sometimes, since I don't really have to walk much. I notice if I wear them too much my feet start hurting again.

Plus, I don't want to spend $50-60 for a pair of tennis shoes that I am just going to get dirty and do yard work in, but the cheap pair I tried on at Walmart a couple of weeks ago were so uncomfortable.  I did some online searching this morning and think I found a pair that are reviewed as very comfortable and they also fit my "looks" category fairly well. I just looked on - since they have a huge selection and they were $40 with a 15% off coupon. Then I did a google search to see if I could find them cheaper somewhere else and found them at Famous Footwear for $30 with a coupon (including shipping)......then I saw on their website that you can check stock in-store and the store just a couple of miles away has them and I can print the coupon to take with me (and not pay for shipping).  This way I can at least try them out and see if they are comfortable. I'll have DD go with me this afternoon, when she gets off work. They will only be $25, since I won't have to pay for shipping. Wish me luck!


  1. Shoe shopping is the pits. I used to love shoes, & always wore heels. Tall, fancy, designer heels. Then I fell & broke several bones in my foot, & I now wear "grandma shoes", as my husband affectionately calls them. They don't fit my style, & I just don't like the selection, but the comfort is a must.

    I think quality, comfortably shoes are worth the investment. Hope you find something!

    1. That must have been hard to go from fancy heeled shoes to flats! I never wore high heels much. Just pumps with heels back in the day we actually had to dress up for work :-) God, I don't miss that!

  2. I always get my shoes on line as I'm pretty consistent in size. Zappos - free shipping BOTH ways is fantastic! And is great, too. Not worth running around all over creation to find shoes when they can be delivered to my door! Good luck with finding something! I highly recommend Merrel shoes - they are by far the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn! LOVE THEM!

    1. Those look like good shoes, but I just can't get myself to spend that much on shoes that will be covered with dirt soon!

  3. That's awesome that you can go to the store and save on shipping. There aren't a lot of shoe stores around here, and I have issues finding shoes that fit me as well. I went out on a limb buying shoes for my part time work (non slip, gel soles), and the first pair fit too big (I'm a 6~6.5, but bought 6.5 just in case). I got free returns from and switched it for a 6. They fit perfectly and I was very content. They've also stood against a LOT of damage. I put so many miles at my work.
