Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A perfect day

I am off work this week and DD and I took the 2 hour drive to the university she wants to attend next year, for a tour. She loved it, as I knew she would!  We had an awesome day together. I know the town somewhat, as my parents lived there for about 8 years after I got married. It is one of my favorite places to go. We got up there a couple hours early and went to the part of town where there are cute little shops and restaurants and had lunch at a cute little cafe and got to sit outside in the beautiful sunny day at a cute little wrought iron table and chairs. Then we had about a half our or so before we needed to drive over to the university, so we walked around and looked in some shops.

The university was just about a 5 minute drive from where we were and once we figured out where to park and get a parking permit we got over to the building to meet for the tour. That was at the rec center, which was very nice. Indoor pool, indoor track on the second level but big windows all around the track so still felt like being outside. They even had a rock climbing wall. Then we got a 90 minute tour of the campus (my legs are feeling it today!) and got to see a dorm room, which DD was really hoping she'd get to see. The campus is just beautiful and feels like you are in the middle of a forest. It's a medium sized school, I'd guess. 15,000 students, mostly all undergrads. Once the tour was done then we had to walk all the way back to the other end of campus to where our car was. Lots of walking in yesterday!

We drove down to the wharf and found a nice restaurant to have dinner with a view of all the sailboats. I thought I had taken a picture of the view to post, but apparently the camera setting got bumped to video while in DD's purse so I have a 3 second video instead of a beautiful photo :(  So here's a pic off the restaurant website of our view:

Even though it was an expensive restaurant we stayed frugal and shared a meal, which turned out to be more than we could eat! They had a special for early birds - a four course meal for $19.95 (plus bread). It was all so delicious. We munched on bread first and then she brought our appetizer to share (which was perfect as it was 2 pieces). It was a large cracker spread with mashed potato and topped with salmon. So yummy! Then DD had the Caesar salad and I ordered a bowl of soup on the side. The strawberry lemonades with fresh local strawberries was great, too. We shared the fish and chips entree and were getting so full by then, but we managed to eat every bit of the chocolate mousse dessert we shared :)

We got home about 9pm and were tired, but had a wonderful day together!


  1. Nice day.
    Now for the parents figure out how to pay for that school your kid has their heart set on.... ;-)

    1. Fortunately for us, in my parents financial planning over the years my dad set aside money for the grandkids college tuition, so Grandma will be paying for it (whew!). But, DD has done what she can to keep the cost down - doing her first 2 years of college while in high school has saved thousands and she will be applying for lots of scholarships, so maybe she'll get some help there too.

  2. That's a good price for two! The meals sound delicious. I swear I could just eat dinner out of appetizers... if it wasn't because places start charging dinner price for appetizer meals.

  3. Sounds like an awesome day! And your daughter is so smart to take college classes while still in high school!

  4. Yes, I second Lena. A big pat on the back to your daughter for taking care of two years of college while in high school. That will indeed save you thousands of dollars. Glad you had a nice time with your DD. Fun to spend time with our adult children (most of the time)!
