Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Yes, No, Maybe

One of my side jobs is up in the air as to whether I will get to keep doing it or not. Fortunately it's the one that's only about $100 - $120 a month. My other side job is about $750 a month and it would REALLY hurt to lose that job!  With the one owner getting forced out, but still the main person for the company/side job I do, I still have not heard if he wants me to continue to do the bookkeeping. As of today he is getting the accounting file on a disk, so that he can have it on his personal computer. That basically leaves me not being able to pay any bills or record any transactions, deposits, etc on my copy of the accounting file, because the 2 files can no longer be linked on the same server. But, no one can tell me what I'm supposed to do from here forward.

I'd just like to email him and ask him! Does he want me to continue to do the bookkeeping, and if so we'll have to figure out a way for me to access the accounting program that is now on his computer. If not, then I can mail him all the bills due, checks I just got that need to be deposited and the blank checks and deposit slips. I just talked to my boss and she is going to find out more on what our company lawyer says about me having contact with this ex-owner, at this point. I told her I am fine with however they want it handled. If my company doesn't want me to be involved with the side job anymore, that is ok with me.  Like my boss said, I'm sure things will all settle down after he calms down, but it's apparently going to get uglier before that happens. She doesn't want me feeling uncomfortable and put in the middle of it, so I'm sure something will be decided one way or the other soon.

Normally, I would pay bills that are due tomorrow and also pay myself for the hours I worked in June and now I can't do that. Good thing I'm not dependent on that $100. I'll get paid it eventually, but at least not getting it won't put me in a bind, as it might have in the past and at least starting Sept my house payment goes down $30 a month, which will help if I'm not getting the extra $100 side income anymore.


  1. Yikes. That does sound like a rough deal, especially not knowing what's gonna happen. Though it's awesome you don't depend on the money, I am sure it would be missed. Hope they can figure out an arrangement that works best without putting you in between owners. That could get ugly on the long run!

  2. That puts you in a very difficult spot. I would imagine he would want you to continue. Keep us posted.
