Thursday, June 20, 2013

Good luck/bad news

DS follows the local drag strip on twitter and Sunday they announced a Father's Day contest to submit a photo of yourself and your dad and they would pick a winner that night. He won! Two 3-day passes to the big national drag race event later this summer - a $320 prize value :-)  It was a good picture GF had snapped last summer of DS and DH sharing a laugh together at the race track where DS races. He was so excited and the tickets already came in the mail today.  DH loves drag racing (DS thinks it's kind of boring, compared to the circle track racing he does, so not even sure why he follows them on twitter - LOL) and should be a fun time for them. I doubt DH will be able to have the energy to go all three days, but at least he and DS can maybe go the last day of the finals and DS can take sis and/or his girlfriend the other 2 days. 

On the bad news side - he got a call back (finally!) from the recruiter lady from BIG computer company. They have decided to hire someone with more experience....of course. BUT, none of this is jiving with what the 2 big management guys he knows has told him this past week! One had emailed with DH on a totally unrelated topic, but the job came up and he told DH "don't worry - we'll get him a job" and then DS got an email Tuesday from the other manager who told him "you are still in the pipeline for a job - it's just a slow process". So, DS was still happy that he thought he was eventually going to get a job and then the lady calls yesterday and tells him no. He called the manager he knows right after he got off the phone with her and he seemed to not know this happened.....(who knows) because it's managers under him who made the hiring decision.

The recruiter did act like she felt DS was place-able and was going to send his resume to a couple of other companies she head-hunts for so maybe something will come from that. In the meantime I STRESSED to DS that he needs to be looking and applying for every job he can find to apply for! It was quite a let-down for us all to hear this, to say the least. It's like DS is never going to move on into the phase of his life he should be in now......a FULL time career type job!


  1. That first job seems to be the hardest step. "Nobody will hire you because you have no experience" kind of thing, but nobody is willing to get you started so you get the experience! Sorry to hear about DS not getting that job, but I agree, one shouldn't stop applying until you have a job offer you're willing to accept in front of you. Good luck to him on his new-again search! And congrats on the tickets!

  2. I'm sorry he didn't get a job! It's a tough market out there right now. I hope there is something better for him out there where they would give him a chance!
