Saturday, June 8, 2013

Having a 3 day weekend :-)

I took the day off work yesterday to go help my mom with her garage sale. DD and I took quite a few things of our own to sell and as yesterday ended I had sold $29 and DD $48 (she always sells more than me!). It's going on again today and I had every intention of going over to help again this morning, but a night of upset stomach and very little sleep has me staying home, at least for now. We had Chinese take out (DH's birthday dinner) last night and not sure if it didn't agree with me or what, but I did not have a good night and my stomach still feels wrong. I haven't eating anything yet today, so now of course I have a headache on top of that.

It was a community garage sale, so about 15-20 homes in her gated community took part. I was happy to sell a very old leather jacket. I put $12 on it and it was snatched up by a lady who bought tons of stuff from us! She was having so much fun and we enjoyed talking with her. The men who want to bargain a .50 item down to .25 crack me up - and there were several of them! Made me just want to say "geez - just take the thing for free!". But I just smiled and took their quarter.  It was nice having a day to visit with my mom and just hang out.  Hopefully I will feel like going over there later, when DD gets home from work and we can help with the end of the day stuff. I'm sure DD will want to pick up her money- haha!

Plus, the fun lady we were chatting with mentioned she had found a place on craiglist that sold plants and perennials really cheap and she wasn't going to garden centers anymore to pay their prices. I did a search online and found a place right near my mom's advertising tons of perennials for $5 each. Looks like a small nursery out of their home and just a mile or so down the road from my mom's place, so I am going to stop in there this afternoon when we got over to her house. We still want a few plants and I can get 3 for the price of one at Lowe's or the other local garden centers. I'm so excited to go check it out - not sure if it was the same place this lady had found, but it's close and great prices and looks like a great selection of many varieties.  Guess, I'll use my garage sale money to buy some plants. Hopefully, Mom will sale some more of our stuff today :-)

Well, I guess I'd better try and get something down my stomach - I'm starting to feel lightheaded and hopefully the toast I'll try won't upset my stomach more.


  1. Congratulations on your sales. I had a garage sale a couple weeks ago and of course we had the worst weather. I sat outside in 42 degree weather. When the weekend before had been in the 70s. But I had already taken the time off work and paid to put an ad in the paper so I just went with it. Only made about $150 in 2 days. Wasn't very successful as some of my past sales.

    1. Thanks for commenting! We lucked out and had nice weather both days. My mom sent me an email this morning that she made $200 on her selling her stuff. The unsold stuff will go to charity - a truck will come into her neighborhood tomorrow morning and pick up all the things people didn't sell or still want to get rid of.
