Friday, January 25, 2013


DH and I discussed the ailing washing machine and he said for the time being, since it still works, he will just put up with the clanking noise (it lasts for a couple of minutes) until either the machine stops working altogether or the sound starts driving him nuts. Hopefully they will both hold out awhile and I can get some more $ set aside for a new machine down the road a bit. The transmission for the machine would cost at least $200 for the part and he's not even sure that would fix the problem, so with the age of the machine it seems stupid to put any more money into it.

It seems to be one thing after another this week. DD went to drive her brother's car - just since it hadn't been started in a month, with him away, and it wouldn't start. It's a 2004 car and DH says it's never had a new battery and it's time. Since it's not a car anyone needs to drive right now, we're just going to wait  until I get paid at the end of the month to buy a new battery.  I'm sure once DS gets home (in 11 more days!! yay!) and gets back to working, he will reimburse me for the battery.

Then this morning DH noticed some water underneath his sink in our bathroom. Nothing major, but seems to be a small drip and thank goodness he noticed it right away. Looks like he fixed it, so far so good.

I have a pork roast and veggies in the crockpot cooking for dinner and it smells so good. I usually make a loaf of bread in my (not used very often) bread machine, but apparently the box mix of bread I have bought for years is no longer available. (Carla, the great breadmaker is probably falling over laughing right now!). I know it would be probably just as easy to throw in the ingredients into the machine, but I don't have any yeast, so I will have to get some next shopping trip. Speaking of grocery shopping, my grocery store is offering an .80 a gallon discount on gas if $150 is spent on one trip. I usually budget about $125-130, so I'm thinking some stockpiling and partial next week shopping trip in in order. That's over $12 DD can save on her gas fill up with that kind of discount. I'm trying to work on my list right now - so that my total comes to $150 and I get enough for 2 weeks on alot of things and/or stockpile on some sale items.

I dropped puppy off at the vet this morning for his neutering and microchipping. Poor little guy didn't know what he was in for as he happily let the girl take him in back! We get to pick him up later this afternoon. They sure try to add a bunch of "extras" onto the cost. The surgery was already included in our wellness plan, but there was about $150 in extra's I had to cross off! Everything from a nail clipping, to treats, to some "anal cleansing", which when I asked for more info on it, turns out is for small dogs. I'm sure if I had just agreed to it all, they wouldn't have told me a big dog doesn't need it. So, I only added the big collar for after surgery and the microchipping and that will cost me about $50 total.

This weekend also brings my birthday. 49! EEEK! 


  1. Happy birthday to you for this weekend, I celebrate that birthday in March!!! Lots and lots of money going out in your house. Hope next week is better.


  2. Happy birthday!! You always sound so organized in your efforts to save money. Whenever Murphy visits around here it's one thing after the other .... bad garage door opener, roof leaking, washing machine doing the same thing as yours. I went into KMart yesterday and noticed two washing machines, floor display models, on clearance for $250. Spouse says we should buy one.

  3. Have a wonderful birthday celebration!
    If it makes you feel any better just remember that you will ALWAYS be younger than me.....lolz

  4. It's like Bizarro World when I read your posts. Between water in the basement & a sick kid I'm ready to run away from home. Good thing I can't afford to. Happy birthday to you ~ I hope you're doing something fun!
    We've had our washer & dryer --- ummmm a LONG time. I think we bought the washer along with its brother the dryer when we bought our first house in 1995. The dryer went in 1998 when our basement flooded after a storm. Don't know why they dryer went & the washer didn't (the dryer must have been a male, & the washer a female -- the washer is stronger!) but we had to buy a new dryer. So -- & I shouldn't even think this -- knocking on wood -- our washer is 17 years old! Older than my kids. Yikes. I should probably start a washer/dryer fund soon.

  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Trying to keep the money in the house, Gill - so we'll live with a clanking washing machine as long as it lasts!

    Quest - I didn't know Kmart has washing machines - $250 is a great price, you probably should buy one.

    Sluggy - glad I'm younger than someone - LOL!

    Michelle - I thought the same reading your life. We got our first washer & dryer when married in 1985 - repairman once told us they don't make them to lsat like those ones anymore (after 1988, I think he said). It last 16 years, I guess and our dryer lasted a couple more years. past that. But appliances were pretty expensive back then. I remember we paid like $1200 for our refrigerator in 1989, when we moved into this house and my brand new one cost the same!

  6. Happy Birthday! We finally got our new washing machine (our old one was flooded during the hurricane) and I've never been so "excited" to do laundry. I guess I'm excited because I can do it myself again and don't have to pay for wash and fold.

  7. Happy Happy Birthday! Every year is a blessing, for sure! Hope you are celebrating BIG!! I just reached the BIG 50 - and still feeling great! ;-) Laughed at your washing machine - we have one doing the same thing in the new winter AZ house we just bought. Both the washer & dryer and louder than all heck - so looks like we'll be needing both sooner rather than later! Maybe we could get a group discount??!! ha ha Always something to keep life interesting, huh?!!
