Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Still waiting to close

I'm typing this from my iPad so bear with spelling errors.  We have Internet and my computer is hooked up but I'm too wore out to sit at it. I'm propped up in bed with a heating pad on my back

We got moved yesterday using a moving company. Two guys and a truck showed up right on time and got it all done in 6 1/2 hours. It was so worth the cost  it would have taken us probably 3 days of trips back and forth trying to do it ourselves and once appraisal is in we basically only have two days and be out by closing day on 3rd day

Our house was supposed to close today and it didn't. The appraisal was supposed to be turned in last Friday and it still hasn't. Now the buyers lender is saying VA is giving hermuntil 9/4 to submit it!  That's almost 60 days since we went under contract!  The contract gives them 15 days past the closing date of today to close, technically.  But if appraisal isn't in until 4th. Of September and they have to give him 3 days to close after that, legally, then they'll be past the date. Just unbelievable. She did the appraisal on 8/1. We can't close on our construction loan for house until this closes. So now we have another 2+ week delay

So frustrating!


  1. Sorry about the frustrations in closing but glad you are moved (and glad you used a mover)

  2. Talk about dragging her feet. I hope she doesn't take advantage of this new grace period, and that you can close sooner than later. I know you are wanting this over and done with. I'm also glad you used a mover. Well worth the money.

    1. apparently no one can get a hold of her, is what I'm gathering. The mover was a bit expensive but a life saver for us. We're too old for this crap now, haha.

  3. Oh...sorry to hear this.
    Take care of your back & get some rest.

    1. Thank you - back is doing better. Usually if I just give it a rest, with some heat, and a good nights sleep it stops hurting

  4. That happened to us as well - though not with the VA, but the appraiser was SOOOO slow. I was on them every single day, usually 2-3 times a day. Unbelievable! I hope they get it together VERY soon!

    As for movers, we will never move without them again. My back just cannot handle it nor can my heart, so every single penny is worth it!

    1. Were you the seller? I had the business card the appraiser left. I honestly thought about calling her, but figured my luck it would make her mad and then she wouldn't give a clean appraisal. My back cannot take the lifting anymore either. Thanks for commenting!

  5. This is Jennifer from absolutely sweet chaos. Don't know why I am not coming up. We were the buyers.
