Friday, August 10, 2018

Crash landing

DH crashed his drone good yesterday. He's crashed it a few times already, but it's a tough little thing and nothing broke. This time, not so lucky. But, the drone mfg apparently deals with this a lot and has a whole system set up for returning a drone for repair. I logged into his drone account, requested a repair ticket and they sent a shipping label. Send it in, they will assess, give you a quote to fix and when you pay online, they will fix and return. 

Except they won't return to a PO Box. We'll probably be at our new place by the time it is ready to be returned, so I texted DH that they won't ship to PO Box and so we'll need our mailbox set up by then at our new address. He replies back "I really don't have time to set up a mailbox right now, I was hoping we could just keep the PO Box for awhile". I replied back "yes, I plan to keep the PO Box for awhile, but they won't ship the drone back to a PO Box, so what do you want to do?!"  Apparently he didn't read my first text too well. He'll have to get the mailbox installed if he wants his drone back asap.  Plus he boxed and taped it all up last night (I didn't realize what he was doing). I figured to send it back will need some printed out form, or other source of identification put inside the box.......of course it does. Shaking my head.....

Yesterday the painter lady painted the inside doors - same light tan as the trim on the outside of shop. She still has to paint the outside of the man door dark brown. The shakes all got put up on the gable ends. The cabinet lady finally got me a new quote and layout done. It wasn't as lower as I expected, but then I remembered when we went in to give her our revised kitchen layout, we also decided to add a bit to the laundry room. But overall, it came in $1664 lower. She sent these layouts to granite places and that number should come down some too.

The propane tank got put in yesterday. Today I think they are finishing hooking it up to everything. I don't know how any of them are going to be able to stand 106 degrees out there today! There is still lots of backfilling and driveway prep work to do. The other day, even the electrician guy commented on how slow the excavator guy (he's the guy that works for the excavator owner, not the owner, he is really good on a machine) is. Hinted "boy, he sure like to move the dirt around doesn't he?" LOL. Half the reason all the site work is taking forever. If it was the owner doing it, it would have been all done in a matter of days.

On Monday some guys are coming to do a nice epoxy coating on the concrete floor (fancy!). That is supposed to take 4 days and then next Friday we can start moving in. I also asked the carpet flooring guy if he had a cheap remnant I could get approx 11x14ft that we could use to put under/around our sleeping area when we have to live in the shop. Don't care what color. Just cheap! He found a 12x15 he can sell me for $69, so that is pretty darn good. Now we just gotta find time to get in there and pick it up with our truck, because it won't fit in my car.

So glad it's Friday. Work is so busy too.


  1. Since my accident, everything is a crash or has the potential. So, when I saw "husband," I panicked. You can get an address and then ask PO to hold all mail. Is the experience with the shop helping you decide who will work on the house?

    1. They probably don't ship USPS, is my guess since they don't ship to PO box, so I just realized we won't need the box up, UPS or FedEx will just come to our door. At this point we are going w/same builder. It would probably take another builder weeks or months to give us a bid

  2. I guess he was in too much of a rush to get it off, so he could get it read the information.

    1. haha. I guess his battery was about out and the drone was returning automatically but a tree got in the way

  3. Gosh after a slow-ish start, it all seems to be coming along right now doesn't it. Exciting stuff!

    1. yes, this past month has really been a lot of work done on it. Finally!

  4. Things seem to be moving now. Good news! If you send me your PO Box address to, I would like to send you a small gift for your new home while I am in the US after the 21st.

  5. I can't believe it is getting so close!!! In theory (lol), how long before the house is done?

  6. Oh no. I hope the drone gets repaired ASAP. I enjoy seeing the pictures your hubby takes. That's a great deal on the carpet. Who cares about color or quality since it (fingers crossed) will only be for a short period of time you'll be using it!

    1. hopefully the drone will be back in a couple of weeks.

  7. So exciting to follow along! I love ut when a plan comes together!

    1. thank you! I think after this I am done with plans, LOL
