Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Got dirt?

Last Friday it was realized we are going to have some excess fill dirt. DH asked the excavator owner if he needs fill for another job? oh sure he does..........but he wants to charge US to haul it out and then he'll charge his other customer for the material and to haul it in! DH contacted another excavator guy and he said said thing. Seriously? You are getting free material (that you will make money off of) and want us to pay you?

So, DH walked down to the folks building on lot 7. Way back when were were looking at these properties it was lot 7 that was for sale (as well as lot 1) and the one we went to look at. It is actually 3 acres (the others are 2 acres) but it is a very long triangle shaped lot. Not very much building area at all, in order to build both a shop and a house a lot of fill would need to be brought in one part of it where it has a big dip. That would cost quite a bit extra to have fill brought in. We decided against this lot, ended up finding our our lot (#3) might be for sale and got it instead.  DH had heard they also plan to build a shop at some point and obviously the only spot left to build it is in the big dip, that would need to be filled up.....DH asked them if they needed any fill dirt? Yes, they do! DH said, well, you can have all my leftover fill, you'll just have to pay the excavator guy (we used same guy) to haul it down to your lot. They were thrilled and said yes. Excavator guy not so much....haha....he couldn't triple dip on the money!

Yesterday - the epoxy flooring guys are getting started. They have to clean the floor, then I guess they grind it. Then coat it with the epoxy. The whole project is supposed to take 4 days, but yesterday it sounded like they would have it done in 3 days, since prepping the floor didn't take as long as they estimated. DH lined up renting a local forklift from the guy two streets over, for loading our pallets here at house and lined up another one for at the shop to unload. The propane guys are supposed to be back today to install the propane heaters. Excavating employee guy is fiddling farting.....he apparently gave his notice to his boss, so of course now he's on short term-itits. Who knows when our site work will end up getting all done.

We decided to hire some movers to help move all the house stuff.  There is just no way DH and I can lift all this buy ourselves. Especially furniture and some of the heavy bins. Two guys with a moving truck are coming Monday at 9am.  For all the shop and garage stuff (that quite a bit is still on pallets from first move) DH is borrowing a friends trailer. He has a dump trailer like we do, except his has fold down sides, so it will be easy for DH to load onto it with a forklift (that we are renting from another neighbor). So nice of this guy to loan the trailer. He is one of my favorite people. He's the one who cut up all our trees into lumber. I've got most of the house all boxed up

This morning DH went to the dump to take all the construction trash that he's been loading in his dump trailer. Now he's got an empty trailer again. He's going to load it with as much stuff from our shop here at the house, as he can, then pull the tarp over and just store it at the property for now (ie less stuff we will need to find room for in our new shop). He's also got a flatbed type car trailer that he is going to do the same with. Hopefully with a nice tarp over it (temporarily) it won't look like a pile of junk sitting at our property.


  1. Sounds like you are getting there. It was wise of your husband to go see the neighbor at lot 7.

    1. we're getting as much done as we can each day.

  2. It's all moving so fast, now! I like the way your DH outsmarted excavator guy!

    1. The days are turning into a blur....I just want to get it done with! Moving is stressful, especially when DH has sooo much stuff.
