Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday update

The weekend was a busy blur. Saturday morning we went to the property. Always something to do. DH wanted the floor in the loft area above the bathroom and utilities closet painted. I just used the leftover white wall paint. It didn't take me too long to do. I think sweeping it before took longer.  It'll just be an extra storage area up there. While I did that DH moved (again) the big stack of our lumber from cut down trees, as well as extra siding, roofing, etc, that has been sitting on our house garage floor. The big forklift was still there, so he figured he'd get use out of it to move the stuff. A few hours later I put a second coat of paint down and called it good. I think we got home fairly early - like 2pm or so. We did some more packing of house stuff. DH did all the outside yard stuff. I did two boxes of dishes. Why oh why in the world did I unpack my 12 place setting of good china after we moved here?! I don't even use it anyway! Now I just had to pack it all up good again.

Saturday evening we just relaxed. DH watched some racing on his computer and I watched some Netflix on the tv.

Sunday morning we got up to do it all again. I dropped DH off at the property. Now that the floor in the loft was dry he moved up boxes of lighting (for the house) to store. I dropped him off and went to the city for a little grocery shopping and misc stuff. I didn't want to get too much food, don't want to just have to move it all, so basically got enough for this week. I also stopped at Lowes and picked up a shower curtain rod, toilet paper holder and light bulbs. Except the 3 pack of bulbs I bought for the vanity light has one broken. I decided to grocery shop at Walmart, since I stopped there to get some towels we could put over the windows. It took me forever to get out of there. They had 1 checker for those with more than 15 items. I was in line at least 20 minutes. While I was waiting DH texted me to stop back at Lowes or Home Depot to see if they had a certain cement glue he texted me a picture of. While waiting to check out, I looked it up online at both stores to see if they even carried it. They didn't, so at least I didn't waste a trip there looking.

I went home and unloaded my groceries (mostly pop and water) and then went back out to the property to pick DH up. Our neighbor lady was there talking to him and showing her inside of the shop. We got home around 12:30 and spent the afternoon more packing. I helped DH pack up all his clothes he won't need and he actually put some in a goodwill pile. Our weight scale was in the closet. The last time I tried to use it a couple months ago it wouldn't work and had an error display. It's not a kind you can replace the battery, but I didn't throw it out. I told DH it doesn't work anymore so was taking it to the garbage can and decided to try it one more time. It worked! Ok, I've lost almost 10 pounds (that's good) and DH weighed himself (he  hasn't weighed in probably a year, haha) and he was down like 25-30 pounds! We know he's been loosing weight from all this work at the property he's been doing (as well as the stress) and he was 202 pounds. He hasn't been down that low in years and years. He was pretty happy and I'm sure it will help his cholesterol too. He almost fit into his old Levi's he found in his drawer, LOL.  I bought a take home pizza at the grocery store and we had that for dinner. It was really good. Much better than the Walmart take home pizza we've had a couple of times.

Our older dog hurt his leg somehow on Saturday. After we got home he was limping. DH thinks he may have accidentally stepped on his paw, but he was so busy he can't remember how/when for sure. Then Sunday morning he puked on the carpet. So then I was really worried about him. Today he is doing better and putting more weight on it, thank goodness.

We're just trying to pack and still in waiting mode on the appraisal for this house. Supposed to be turned in Friday. I hate waiting on those. I always think the worst is going to happen. Won't appraise enough, etc. I'm tentatively taking this Friday and all next week off. We'll see what happens, I guess. If closing got delayed a couple/few days that would be great.

My dear friend is still dealing with her estranged hubby. He came back for a few weeks, was awful to her and then told her he doesn't want to work through it (though had the nerve to make it HER fault!). It sounds like friend just keeps trying to get him to come back. They each just spent this past week on separate vacations. She to be miserable (she went and visited a friend) he to have fun. She messaged me last night that he told her again he doesn't want to work it out. She says she doesn't know what to do. I don't know what to say to her anymore. Over the weekend I told her if it was me I'd be telling him to take a hike. Right now he's got her and his girlfriend both wanting him to stay. He's got all the attention. I said maybe if she's not trying to get him to come back, I imagine then of course he'll want to, right?  So this girlfriend...he's 58. She's 34....with 3 kids, from 3 different dads, ages 4-12! Why in the world would he want to deal with all that crap at his age is beyond me.


  1. It sounds like things are coming together at last with the house. Does this guy realize the drama he is marrying? He will have to deal with her dealing with three other men! Your friend cannot see that she will be okay and not want him back after six months. It is sad for her.

    1. I know, that's what I was thinking? why would he want all that drama? I wish my friend could see that she will be ok, even without him.

  2. I am sure your friend will be better and happier on her own. She just does not know it yet. My grandma used to say she would not tolerate two things in a marriage: Physical Aggression and Cheating. This is coming from someone who was born in 1913. Hope she is resting in peace. I believe that she was right.

    On another note, I am glad things are going better on your end and congrats to both of you on the weight loss. That is awesome!

    1. I hope friend will be better off and happier. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like she's going to have much choice in the matter, so she's going to have to start getting used to the idea.
